
look at all these zodiac motherfucker wannabe motherfuckers

I've always loved YOU NEED A HEART TO LIVE. Scratchy was pretty shocked upon reading it.

come on. pavement and pixies are good and all but DEATH FROM ABOVE MOTHERFUCKER

Yeah, it was a really entertaining show that occasionally verged into the silly. I remember one storyline featured prisoners trying an experimental aging drug, the idea being that instead of serving time they took the drug that aged them an amount of years equivalent to their sentence.

My favourite parts were the parts with the nerds. Because everyone who understands the internet tries to look like a nerd in every way possible. Steretypes are real! Pretty convenient, because they're so easy to understand.

You just can't win.

If there's one thing I love reading, it's people's fascinating anecdotes about how they almost tried this drug one time but then they didn't.

Man, people really reach for those Simpsons quotes sometimes. And they always pick the same ones! I think we can let "Homer Simpson, smiling politely" and "I wasn't a nerd. I was in the Audio-Visual club" rest for a bit.

@ Russell: the lesson I've learned through time is to avoid doing any research at all about a movie you're about to watch. In fact, try to avoid knowing anything at all, if possible, so you can enjoy a movie on its own terms. Watching Enter the Void reaffirmed that attitude for me. It was a crazy hallucinatory trip

The Space Cases episodes with George Takei were pretty much made of awesome. "I am Warlord Shank!"

More like Who Dat Ninja?

I'm glad you remembered Richard Hell. Love that guy.

It's not an age thing either. I'm 21, and I've loved old R.E.M. since somebody told me to listen to Automatic for the People in high school. It's a case of not making any effort.

Hipster Dbag, you ungrateful tool, some girl found it in her heart to give your STP-loving ass a blowjob, and you couldn't wait for her to fuck off? Not only do you have terrible taste in music, but you also eternally suck.

I actually think that bringing up The King is Dead was pretty much mandatory for Steven. I'm a huge R.E.M. fan, and that album is the single reason I feel no real need to listen to their latest album. They do old R.E.M. so much better than new R.E.M. ever could.

Titus Andronicus doing the 'Mats seems like an odd choice to me, but holy hell would I love to hear it.

I'm a huge REM fan but saying that the Decemberists wish they could write anything as good as Accelerate is laughable. This time around they wrote songs almost as good as anything off of R.E.M.'s earlier albums, which means that they were better than anything off of Accelerate.

Yeah Phodreaw, but back in those days men played the female characters anyway. You'd have male actors pretending to be female characters who were pretending to be males, making the whole thing even more… something.

So they almost lost you with Bhang Bhang? Mind blown, that song rules.

Yeah, I basically use allmusic like I do the "gateways to geekery" section here. Invaluable for getting me into The Walkmen and Superchunk.