
The lyrics to The Card Cheat are bad? The lyrics to Lost in the Supermarket are bad? What do you want, Shakespearean verse?

This show is from before my time, but I'm probably supposed to watch this updated version to be ironic or somethin.

Man, you can really tell that the guy who wrote this is 50 years old. I mean, you could even if he didn't say so himself.

I loved The Fall the first time I listened to 50,000 Fall Fans Can't Be Wrong. Then again, it is a "greatest hits" of sorts.

That's what music needs, more bands that sound good when you're walking the dog.

I would never take the franchise seriously if they used that name.

This is probably my favourite horror movie of all time. The tone is consistently suspenseful as fuck all the way through, and the ending is fantastically done. Great movie.

But why would someone do that? Pretend to be a narc?

Oh man, I didn't even think of the Huskers. Chartered Trips would be appropriate, and is one of my favourite songs ever in any case.

Camper Van Beethoven - Come On Darkness. Maybe Ambiguity Song, to be ironic. But I probably wouldn't want the last thing I hear to be ironic. It's a great song, though.

Man, Sheperd is really focused on picking up Renegade points. No Paragon he.

I love the word Japanimation and use it every chance I get.

"It takes a certain kind of man to wear a shirt like that. One familiar with alternative lifestyles."

Seriously, Murray is just plain wrong on this one. Teenager of the Year, his first self-titled album, and Dog in the Sand just plain own. I don't know it they're in the same company as Doolittle or Surfer Rosa, but they're miles ahead of Bossanova or Tromple Le Monde. Robert Onion, The St. Francis Dam Distaster,

I'll back up Cookie Monster, which feels good because he's awesome. I got prog rock out of my system in high school, and now I never want to hear another prog rock song as long as I live.

I am seriously torn between Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart and Key Lime Pie. I could never make that choice.

Seriously. This game made my night.


To everyone that read the spider-man comics, read the batman ones too. They're hilarious.

yeah, every time valentine's day rolls around I think of Fry saying "Crap! I forgot to get a girlfriend again!"