
let's take the first bus out of here
let's take the first bus out of here
let's take the first bus out of here

Death From Above 1979 is a sick ass name

The best characters were always the badass badgers. Their characterization could be disturbingly intense, consumed as they mostly were with the slaying of evil. Most of them would actually flip the fuck out in battle, it was pretty crazy sometimes.

So what did the close up shots of a thrusting penis have to say about ancient metaphysics?

Also I hate Harold Bloom. Shut up you elitist dick, nobody cares what you think!

Also he does a pretty decent job exploring some important themes, such as coping with loss, childhood, the nature of evil, etc. He's no Doestevsky, but he's not literarily worthless either.

English major here, as if that lends any credibility to what I'm about to say. Pet Sematary is actually one of my favourite books of all time. Sure, it may only offer immediate gratification as opposed to literary density, but holy hell did it scare the bejeesus out of me. King didn't set out to create a

The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Louis
A man grows what he can, and tends to it.

I don't know if ZMF appreciated that but I did.

holy shit, you guys. stop posting.

Is it bad that Mother's Milk is my favourite?

I think Elegant Victorian Lady is tougher than she looks.

"National Geographic World" if memory serves.

I'm pretty sure that fraternal twins can look exactly alike, and identical twins can look different. The term refers to genetics, not appearances.

Revenge of the Sith isn't "a triumph of storytelling." It seems pointless to explain why in detail, given that Mr. Plinkett has already done so better than anyone else has or possibly will ever do again. But I think I can address why it isn't a "mature story."


Teenager of the Year is awesome, and I've recced it to multiple friends. Don't worry, you're not alone.

Right. Giving a good acting performance doesn't suddenly make you an actress. Doing other stuff does.

Seriously, this album is terrific. If this is indicative of anything it's gonna be a good year for indie rock.

I'm gonna echo Magnus' comment. It's pretty surreal, although I guess not surprising, to see someone who could be a character on the show complain about it.