
The Commissioner is entitled to his opinion. It's just that his opinion shouldn't be endorsed by anyone with a brain. The Wire reflected Baltimore's reality. The solution to Baltimore's problems should be to change the reality, not to complain about a T.V. show that mirrors it.

You could make an entire thread out of Cheez quotes:

Also I friggin' love Teenage Lust.

I'm a Ramones fan too, but to say that every song of theirs is a good song is pretty generous. If you said that in 1979, sure. But you can pretty much throw out any of their 80s and 90s output.

the first is dead, and it's so lonely all alone

Yo Avon! I got cheese fries, baby!

Immaculate Conception is so right it's not even funny.

that buddy holly sketch is without a doubt my favourite kith bit. it just kills me whenever i see it.

is that a rare case of sarcastro being sarcastic? who can tell?

how is that even a joke

The Huskers progressively got poppier and poppier on every new album. It was their musical direction, so I don't buy the idea that if your favourite album is Warehouse, you're not a true Husker fan.

Mould wrote Chartered Trips and Something I Learned Today. Aside from those, though, Mould's songs were forgettable next to Hart's.

got nuffin

Holy shit, Jay. Do not under any circumstances skip season 2. The payoffs are well worth the build-up.

If there's a Faith No More album that's overrated it's probably The Real Thing. It kind of sounds like typical 80's macho rock bullshit. That said, it's still listenable, and I friggin' love Angel Dust.

What is it with moms and
confusing R.E.M. with R.E.O. Speedwagon?

Also I just read your post in "again Sean O'Neil misses." That's, uh, a good counterpoint.

I dunno, maybe he feels that making movies like Hellboy is the only way he could stay afloat enough to do things like Pan's Labyrinth. He could be lamenting the necessities of the system. I don't think that makes him hypocritical.

And I love this time of year because I actually bother checking out music I haven't bothered to all year, thanks to lists like these. The Vaselines album is actually good? Fuck yes.

My favourite albums, though not necessarily the ones I think were objectively the best or whatever, and not in any particular order: