
Coming this summer, Ingmar Bergman's "Captain America: Civil War"

No, it's because… it's 1955….. and folks in 1955, wore fedoras. So… you should wear a fedora…..You know…. cause we're in 1955.

Well, there are different perspectives anyway, but I still don't think the Communist Block would give a shit until it attacked them. I think the major belief was that it was a one-time anomaly, and it serves the capitalist pigs right that it happened to them. If anything, to me, it would make the threat of nuclear war

Lynyrd Skynyrd

"I don't care how shitty it is. I don't care how cheap it is. I don't care if it's so bad it drains the soul out of everyone involved!! We will burn this city to the ground if we have to, but we're not letting this go to Marvel!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!"
- Transcript from the board meeting at 20th Century Fox.

True, but, by your logic, the Soviets think of Americans as heartless monsters and tensions are higher than sustainable. Not taking anything from you there but, by your logic, the outcome of the book doesn't make any sense either, since as long as the alien space-monster-thing didn't attack them, the Soviets wouldn't

Road to Perdition. Yes, that was a comic book adaptation.

I…… kinda liked….. the movie. *Runs and hides waiting for on-coming chaos and slaughter*

Maybe it's because I read the comic book after seeing the movie, but the movie ending made a lot of sense and seemed like a logical and somewhat smart plan for the villain to use. Whereas the comic book made absolutely no-fucking sense to me. Like, at all. I mean, it's a story about super-heroes that is somewhat

I read the comic, and I might've misunderstood that part, but it seems like the comic dialogs pretty well with the movie on the aspect that Silk Spectre II is just there to be the hot chick. And, well, Malin Ackerman is definately hot, so I don't think it was quite a mistake there.
Plus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The

I believe Trump's more likely to die when his soul is sucked from his body due to a Putin Death-Stare, but, yeah, smashed trachea works too. Seriously though, Putin's dead eyes can suck your soul from your body.

I honestly do believe that Megyn Kelly is actually a centrist that doesn't believe a single word she's saying, but Fox News pays her a ridiculous amount of money to say those things because she's hot. That alligns with my also very strong belief that Bill O'Reilly is an simply the 'Stephen Colbert' character pushed to

Right you are. Plus, say what you want, but I think the Clueless Gamer skits are all pretty hilarious YouTube material too. Certainly better than any of Fallon's celebrity singing BS.

I'm a Brazilian of Portuguese descent, and we study Portuguese history pretty heavily down here, and I still have absolutely no idea what any of the words you said even mean.

I don't know or care what role it was, but I'd watch just for the greatness of seeing Cage do a posh British accent.

Bush would just hug his legs, sitting on his armchair, and swing back and forth, crying in fear and confusion.


But Chris Pratt was pretty fat himself. He only started to bulk up recently for his movie roles. I really don't see him being a high school jock with the kind of physique he used to have.

Jeez, butthurt much?

There will be another Rocky movie? Good God……
Also, are all black people in Philadelphia really evil boxers, as Stallone would like us to believe?