
I have a self-loathing relationship with myself for being one of those types of fans with "A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones". So, I thank you for your kind comment, good sir.

That was actually a slogan a famous clown used to run for Congress in Brazil.
He was the most voted congressional candidate in the country.

The 1980's was when he started making meathead action movies (that's hardly recently), but I can't blame him, though. The 1980's WERE the era of meathead, MAAAAN!!, action movies and Sly turned out to be the perfect fit for them. He could've chosen between a significant acting or becoming the biggest star in the

'Birdman, or: One of the Most Pretentious Movies Ever Made'. (There was a subtitle. Don't know if that was actually it, but it might as well have been).
It's amazing how Michael Keaton was the only thing about this movie that deserved the Oscar, and, apparently, the only thing that didn't get it.

Good for all of us, really.

But still, in regards to the story, it made much more sense to the whole of the novel, as well as Dr Manhattan's character arc, to have Veidt duplicate Manhattan's power and use that instead. The alien-space-monster is just TOO random.

But still, it made much more sense and a much more coherent ending for Veidt to just copy Dr Manhattan's power and use it as a nuclear bomb. It ties in great with the Cold War theme of the novel, with the whole character arc of Manhattan dealing with his humanity and his ties to the human race, and gives a nice excuse

Funny, to me the movie ending made MUCH more sense to the story than the comic book one. I mean, it was actually a very clever twist. In the comic book, it just felt kind of outta nowhere. Like, here we have this amazing, 'realistic', gritty story about super-heroes and all their real-world political implications and

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian was pretty great too.

This wasn't phrenology, though. Lombroso was part of the Old School of Criminal Sciences, who thought that an individual was already born with an aptitude for crime, and said aptitude could be identified through certain physical characteristics (such as an abnormally large nose, for instance).
It was later on dismissed

Reading that sentence in Bernie's voice and accent makes me remember the real reason why I'd vote for him: just to hear that "I sound more New York Italian than actual New York Italians, but for some reason I'm a Senator for Vermont" accent every day on TV.

The NFL's considering hosting a Pro-Bowl in the Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro. Which, as a Brazilian who is also an NFL fan, would be fucking awesome!

I wouldn't know about that, but I saw somewhere that the all-time attendance record for the NFL was when they played the Aztec Stadium in Mexico.

Not enough scoundrels in your life, I see.

*Re-watches first season of Heroes, in all of its sheer awesomeness and glory* *Sighs heavily while a single tear falls down the cheek*

All this talk about DiCaprio never getting an Oscar… I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a tremendous actor, and definately deserves one, but people really seem to forget WHY he never won, don't they?

But, thing is, although he definately IS Best Actor material, I never thought that any of his losses were really unfair.
I mean, he wasn't better than Tommy Lee Jones in 1994 (and he was too young to win then, anyway.)
He wasn't better than Jamie Foxx in 2005.
He sure as all fuck wasn't better than Forest Whitaker in

Sam Jackson came out intact because he was acting under a wooden body armor that prevented his face from doing any actual movment.

Unless Trump himself is Batman.

You do not dare to badmouth Scarface, good sir!!!