
Man, "Nixon" is SO underrated. I can't remember the last time I felt so amazed watching a political bio-pic, and not because of the figure being played, but because the filmmaking was just, as you said, intoxicating.
Near the end, when Nixon's about to resign and he stares at a painting of JFK in the White House and

A great little detail that I only managed to pick up is that, after the mom asks and Henry says it's nothing, they cut back to Mama DeVito telling her story sitting besides Tommy, and Tommy just keeps staring at Henry, a scary fucking look in his eyes, kind of saying 'what the fuck's wrong with you?'. It's the same

Public Enemies was his last great performance in my view. Probably because it was a sober one.

I'm surprised you are not aware of the fact that "Clusterfuck" is the absolute best word in the English language.

Keenan Thompson as Bill Cosby was a pretty stereotypical Cosby impersonation (boy, that phrase just takes on a whole new dimension now, doesn't it?), but it was pretty great too.

Funny thing is that, save maybe Macdonald, neither one of the others really resembles the characters their paroding all that much, but they make such great characters on their own that it's easy to forget that.

Now I'm seriously believing that building giant robot so they can fight death matches on the ocean as a means to resolve international conflicts is what the human race should be aiming for in the next few years. It's the natural evolution of International Law, people!

*looks at title and picture*

Even explosions know better than to go against Tom Cruise in the film set.

Speak for yourself…

"chuckling Sovietly"

"Pretty much what old people think of the selfie generation".
Are you implying that the old people are wrong in this case?

Well, there is the rumor that Axl Rose is still incredibily xenophobic despite the fact that Guns N' Roses has probably performed at every single nation known to man, real or fictionalized. So, nothing is impossible, I guess.

I'm ashamed to say I've never seen the original 'Scream' in its enterity, but I still enjoyed the fuck out of 'Scream 4', it was one of the only times I actually had a good time in a horror movie, and not because I was laughing at how horrible it was.

Exactly. I guess we must be the equivalent of the hot, dumb bimbo in international diplomacy, where everybody wants to fuck us good, but nobody wants a lasting, mutual-benefit relationship.

I'm actually South American myself, so coming from the fact that we've been used as the United States' personal backyard throughout the last half-century, having governments deposed and military dictatorships installed with the aid and assistance of the US Government (remember kids, America fought for freedom in the

Well, I don't see it as bad taste, really. I see it as he wrote reviews trying to judge the movie solely on what it was trying to accomplish. I doubt Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties was one of his favourite films, but, based on its own merits, maybe Ebert found it satisfying to watch. I think that's what distinguished

Isn't Roger Ebert considered the greatest American film critic in the last few decades? I'm curious as to why that's not a guidance to be heeded.

But, Soylent Green, they can't do this to you…. YOU'RE PEOPLE!!!

Jon Stewart & Mick Foley vs. Mr. McMahon & Donald Trump
Hardcore Tag Team match on a barbed-wire ring, ECW style.
You're all welcome.