
Well, I've listened to a lot of Motörhead, and the songs they made for WWE (Triple H's "The Game", Triple H's "King of Kings", and Evolution) are some of the best efforts by them, actually. They're pretty fucking good tunes.

Keith Richards always gets the fame cause the Stones are more popular and famous than Motörhead, but honestly, Keith is a fucking girl scout compared to Lemmy.

It's a shame, cause Brad Pitt is pretty fucking good in 'Fight Club' and manages the feat of steeling a lot of the scenes he's in, which is really impressing considering he was sharing those scened with Norton and Bonham Carter on their top form.
I've actually grown to like Pitt as an actor. I mean, the dude can really

Same for me. Though I'd add David Fincher to that category too.

But it's a pretty big consensus among the internet that Black was one of the few really good things in King Kong. I'm not included in that because, my secret shame in life is that I loved everything about King Kong.

"1408". For me, it's "1408", and I accept the consequences for that.

Well, he's, you know…. not wrong, actually.

Wrong. Vince McMahon owns all of his wrestlers' souls, for all eternity. Most likely, Piper, Dusty and Savage are still wrestling for Vince Sr. in the beyond, just waiting for the day Vinny Mac buys it from his father.

Said culinary dish was never fully explained by Mr. Johnson, and any mention of it was usually made in the form of a question or challenge, if you will, daring the person in question to make an educated guess regarding the question at hand.

It was very clear to everyone that whatever Hogan was doing in "No Holds Barred", that was NOT acting.

Terry Bollea is the real-life name of professional wrestler 'Hulk Hogan'. Many 80's kids great disillusion, along with Santa, is finding out that the Hulkster has a girl name.

No one will be waiting to watch the sequel, but the buzz around it will be so big that everyone will go see it anyway. You're acting like a film of that proportion won't be a gigantic hit, when it most definately will.

Nobody really wanted to see more of Jurassic Park either, especially after the sequels, and the intial trailers and previews for Jurassic World got a pretty warm, not-so-inspiring reception. And, yet, we have this article now.
It's the truth Hollywood already realized a loooong time ago: "with the right advertisement

And you know what's funny? Those sequels will probably break the box office records just like the first one. Honestly, I'm not a fan of him, but there's something about that Cameron guy. Dude just has a magic finger for smashing box offices. That, or he always has the luck of getting the absolute best marketing teams

Wow! You actually saw The Godfather in its initial release?! Dude, before you tell me to get off your lawn, tell me what that was like. What was the reception it got at the time? Did you know you were watching a classic, or did it felt like just another decent movie.

Which is why Shoot'Em Up was so fucking great until they began giving Clive Owen some back-story, which, to me, sort of spoiled the picture substantially. Up until that point it was full-on "Clive Owen shoots motherfuckers and is awesome while Paul Giamatti is a bad guy and is even more awesome, and there's Monica

Yeah, but it's Jeremy fucking Irons. I cannot, WILL NOT, critize the plot or motives of a villain in a movie, if said villain is played by Jeremy motherfucking Irons. Honestly, he could've been stealing cotton candy, for all I care, and it still would've been awesome.

Into Darkness was shit, I'll give you that. But Star Trek '09 was a fairly entertaining and well-made sci-fi action movie that did a pretty good job of giving the franchise a much-needed CPR, and making a convoluted, seemingly un-penetrable universe like the Star Trek cannon seem, for the first time iin over 30 years,

Maybe it's because I've been chronically unable to hook up with anybody for a laaaaarge part of my post-pubescent life, and was still virgin and kiss-less by the age of 23 (which, yes, was a big deal, considering sex was already common-place for all my male friends at the same age), I refuse to have any kind of