Kenny Bania

I doubt it had any "meaning". My guess is that the writers just tried to get a laugh out of something completely unexpected, and i worked for me at least.

Oh, I fear that Ned will be killed by the end of this season or early next seaaon. It obviously doesn't pay to be honorable in this world. I feel that Arya might get far though. And why didn't jamie just kill the guy who wounded Ned?

phasubou: That's a good point. It's for the same reason that True Blood is such a big deal for HBO, it brings in female views that wouldn't otherwise subscribe to HBO. It's Sex and the City with vampires.

Oh, and it's really great to see that James Yoshimura has been added to the writing staff. His work on Homicide was absolutely fantastic.

Fantastic episode
Finally got to see this episode, and thought it was an A-, no doubt. Loved everything with Antoine's band, the banter and especially the last scene when it finally "clicked". I've always liked Sonny as a character and think he serves a purpose as the definition of a man who's been fucked over by the

No, HBO did cancel it. But they gave him the option of making two(?) two hours TV-movies to finish the story. He turned that down because he wanted a fourth season or nothing, said he couldn't finish the story with what HBO offered so he might as well go make John from Cincinnati instead.

Oh and btw, I didn't really dislike the Deadwood ending that much. Sure, the theatre group didn't make a lot of sense when we didn't get a fourth season, but the Hearst story was more or less done. The ending wasn't ideal, but at least it didn't on a cliffhanger like fucking Carnivale. For me the Deadwood ending was a

As I said, it seems like the HBO execs regretted the decision, so it probably didn't make sense financially. I would guess that a lot of people got HBO just for that show, which is how HBO makes money.

Yeah, you can't really compare it on ratings alone. Treme is a cheap drama by HBO standards while Deadwood was extremely expensive. The same goes for Carnivale. But I still maintain that it was a bad decision to cancel Deadwood, both for the cred it gave HBO and how extremely well it sold on DVD. If I remember

I don't mind True Blood. Sure, it's a shit show (come on Alan Ball, you gave us SFU, is this the best you've got?!), but HBO is earning a ton of money they can use on quality TV like Game of Thrones, Treme (I might be the only person to love this show, but whatever), hopefully Luck, Eastbound & Down etc. My guess is

Expected HBO to wait and see if the ratings got a bit better, but I'll take it. HBO sure loves David Simon.

Ah, OK. That sort of explains it. I love the non-reaction of everybody in the hospital and the serious looks by the the dad and the son(?). Just fucking surreal. And that dog really liked the taste of human heart, swallowed it whole!

The short answer: David E. Kelly

One Tree Hill
Ok, so this has nothing to do with the article, but whatever. Just wanted to know if this clip is for real: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Yeah, the "I'm out there Jerry, and I'M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT" is classic Kramer.

oh, sorry about that.

Yeah, I still watch the DVDs from time to time. Recently began watching season one again, so I'm gu


I'm with you, Kurt Williams, I didn't know what the Stonewall riots were before I googled it 20 seconds ago.

George's middle finger plotline
I agree that it might seem far-fetched, but one of that episode's writers actually did that in real life. It was Gammill, the same guy that bought what he thought was Jon Voight's car and wrote an episode about it.