Jehosophat-ass Bass


Old-fashioned conservatism doesn't make for good TV/Radio. And by "good" I mean "something likely to be listened to by a lot of people". The Roger Stone/Lee Atwater types all realized this in the 70's and the Rush Limbaugh template has been taking over ever since.

That sounds like a decent theory, although I can't remember if it explains why Sons of Anarchy blew so much goat dick. And I'm not about to go back and find out.

I checked it out and there apparently is a facebook page called "I fucking love engineering". Although strangely, their posts seem actually to have something whatsoever to do with being an engineer. Weird.

You opened yourself up to that on direct!

THIS IS WHY YOU LOST 1nf0w@rs11111111111111111111111111

Previews are the province of fools. FOOLS! Y'all just got Jimmy'd.

And by science I mean pictures of constellations that look like dicks and Bill Nye pwning some Fox News reporter.

Well, I'm not arguing racists didn't support him or he didn't blatantly appeal to them. Of course he did. But I honestly think he did that more by ranting about moozlim terrorists hiding under the bed and immigrants selling drugs to our kids.

Well, he didn't trash black people in the same vein of Nixon and every Republican since. Immigrants and Muslims, i.e. brown people, sure. They really became the main scapegoat for the first time. But he didn't really say "blacks are too lazy to succeed and taking all your white tax money for welfare", he said

Well, TBF, Trump won the election in part because he managed to avoid the whole "poor people can fuck off and die" rhetoric that made Romney so beloved. Not that they shouldn't have known better, but still.

I agree - the beginning of the season was slow, but by the end it far outpaced the first one. Everything you mentioned is spot on, but I really think Tina Fey pushed it to a new level. "It's called compartmentalizing, and it's not a problem because I know the words to describe it" might be my single favorite line of

I wouldn't say I hated the trial, although it's one of the only times in the series where they took a fairly standard trope in courtroom drama and just played it completely straight. It worked for me, but didn't warrant the huge chunk of the season it took up.

I think that's a problem with all sitcoms. Problem was, P&R was so good that people didn't think of it as a sitcom.

Yes, Mr. Garrison was a racist, obscene, pan-sexual bigot. But he was always prone to having some big revelation (like about god in the dawkins ep), and the joke is usually that he learns entirely the wrong lesson and just becomes a different kind of obscene bigot. You could be right, but they could also be setting

Wrong again. It was so that rich business owners didn't want a tyrannical government that was capable of making them pay their fair share of taxes! Just like the Civil War wasn't about Slavery. It was about not wanting a tyrannical government capable of ending slavery. Typical leftist, information-proof, voodoo

I think the US was already on a headlong course towards conflict with Russia at that point, if not over Ukraine than over Syria. However, Obama's downplaying of it helped the narrative of Russia as the aggressor [which I'm not saying is untrue, of course, but perception is everything in politics]. Romney hit him

Hey…that's a little unfiar. Maddox was (is?) way better than Tucker Max. Some of his stuff was pure trolling, but he also had funny and intelligent content.

People seem to take the Douche and Turd episode and project it onto the entire show. And even then, they weren't saying that the 2004 election didn't matter, they were parodying the ridiculousness of the Vote or Die campaign, and how the Kerry supporters didn't really care about the principles of democracy nearly as

That's kind of a ridiculous generalization, don't you think? It's not like they were ambiguous in their feeling about, say, the George Zimmerman controversy.