Jehosophat-ass Bass

South Park has always mined comedy out of the tendency to falsely romanticize the past, going back to the "Fourth Grade" episode when Cartman paints a ridiculous picture of how wonderful and idyllic Third Grade was, before everybody suddenly realizes it's completely idiotic.

Nazi competence is highly overrated. The country was good at war, but that was a legacy competence. The High Command probably doomed the war effort with disastrous decisions, such as not taking out the RAF at Dunkirk, delaying supplies to the Eastern Front to run cattle cars, and declaring war on America when they

Ha! I agree, no complaints at all. But much better-looking than a young Michelle Fairley, is my point.


Exactly. As important to the story as he is/will be, he'll never be THE guy because he's too Ned-ish. Tonight is just further proof of that.

And she would have if it weren't for those meddling casting directors.

No it was 100% obvious the entire time that Littlefinger was going to show up. Anybody who didn't expect that is dumb.

Something Something a wizard something something when he intends to.

It's as waif as the nose on plain's face

shut up little bird

The last thing we need is a show where beloved characters die right and left, followed by a reminder that Andy Greenwald is still alive.

Oh, agreed 100%. Just think that it's a point worth making that slavery in that part of the world still exists. Not to justify American slavery, of course.

When, according to Malcolm X, did black people land on Plymouth Rock? TRICK QUESTION, PLYMOUTH ROCK LANDED ON US.

Except for the part where certain Arabs/Africans are still involved in the slave trade. I don't agree at all with the idea that that legitimizes white people's involvement, and I don't think the rightwingers take this data point and apply it meaningfully or fairly. But they have it to use, for better or worse.

I take it you weren't around for the Goldwater campaign. You millenials.

Unfortunately, as the current Warriors roster demonstrates, most of the NBA players from that era seem to have produced children that would not be convincingly African if you see what I mean.

Yes, you're left with a positive message from Roots in spite of all the horrors. It isn't Native Son.

They were all bad people. What are you going to do, not project your up-to-the-minute liberal sensitivities senselessly onto the past? Crazy talk.

So it's not okay for white people to watch dramatized versions of their heritage? EUROPA WACH AUF!

Is that really what they're arguing, or are they just rehashing the "slaves weren't any worse off than the northern working poor in their tenements" argument that the Confederates made at the time?