Jehosophat-ass Bass

Why should a Tyrell do a walk of shame for a crime someone else…noticed?

Why should the Tyrells suffer for a crime that someone else…noticed?

You mean that STOPS when you get older???!!!!

We can only goddamn hope. With our luck, the sandsnakes will team up with 5 new heretofore unknown houses to keep Deanerys company while her ships are leaking and she has to spend 3 seasons trying to patch them up.

Cue insufferable thinkpiece about how GoT is making us all worse people.

My greatest accomplishment in life to date has been calling them "Mongolians" so much that a friend of mine who read the books couldn't remember the name Dothraki when they showed up this episode.

It's not bad writing. It's just a fundamental misunderstanding of America if they think a self-righteous prick who likes classical music is going to be given any leeway whatsoever by the audience.

He's also driven very nearly insane by the idea that affection isn't based solely on merit and good conduct, of which his brother is living proof. That's why the only thing close to a "friend" he has is Howard, who while a dick, will always like you if you do a good job.

Yeah, but he plays off that pretty well. He's more believably sleazy and deranged.

Yeah, but your original comment seemed like you were calling him out for being a reactionary monster, not an unfunny hack. I think he has he has some great material, but he does repeat himself a lot.

My bass feels seaworthy.

If it's a thinly veiled metaphor for the War on Terror, then we fight on that thinly veiled metaphor for the war on terror. But we gotta fight.

Exactly. That's why he never really goes out of his way to be a dick. He just does it when professionally necessary. He totally would have made Kim pay back the rest of the loans if she jumped to Schweikert, but that would be a warning sign to other attorneys not to do it. He knows most attorneys aren't going to

Yeah, but as implied above, not everybody who votes for him necessarily believes everything he does. In fact, I know many conservatives who hate him nearly if not as much as liberals do.

It's left ambiguous as to whether Roger drunkenly offered Don a job [and forgot about it] or Don was just bluffing and showed up at the office saying he did. The latter is more strongly implied, IMO. However, I disagree with gitm, and think Roger realized Don was lying, but respected the ballsiness of the move

Probably. But you know…he could be from a douchey old-school WASP family that wouldn't accept certain lifestyle choices…And he's clearly afraid to go against Daddy's plans for him…and Schweikart (?) calling him "good-looking" may have been a dig…

Mike has pretty much total self-awareness and has at least some sense of decency. Jimmy has some sense of decency (though less), and very little self-awareness. Tuco has none of either.

To be fair, that's pretty much the entire country.

Howard is enough of a dick to wield power in the corporate environment, but he's not an asshole on top of that. He was to the manner born, but instead of making him snobby, it made him appreciate those who had to work for what they had more so than him. The only time he went the extra mile to be a dick was with Kim

An even better Third Man tribute than the Departed. [wait, is that one of those movies we hate for some reason?]