Jehosophat-ass Bass

So did my supervisors at the TSA.

We should be LEARNING from the Salamancas, and Latino culture's healthy respect for masculine status and behavior. Instead the feminazis who write this show demonize them as criminals and psychos. Unbelievable.

"Symbolically appropriate." Like Lord of War was "symbolically appropriate" when Nic Cage and Jared Leto started doing cocaine, and the soundtrack was "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton.

That's only because you haven't been WOKE by the right MRA groups yet. There's no excuse for not being informed in the internet age.

Oh there's no doubt he did a great job with the role and that he's incredibly talented overall. I just can't watch it and not think of what a complete sellout dickhead he's been for most of his career.

I don't know if it's misanthropic to challenge or subvert the "nice guy everyman". Some people really are just small-minded, petty, resentful, delusional and sad.

Exactly. That's the key to that whole scene.

That is some good username/comment synergy right there.

You must be thinking of Krist Novoselic

I see where you're coming from, as I thought the same thing with the trailer. But the power of the movie comes from how far it escalates the action, and how plausible it makes everything seem. It's really not the bargain-basement crash/babel/"like whoa man, we're all connected and shit" it appears to be.

I didn't hate it, but I thought it was perverse to cast Jim Carrey - a highly gifted performer who trafficked in the broadest, schlockiest mainstream humor possible while pocketing $20mil per picture - as a transcendent genius who was so committed to his art that he was constantly at odds with the commercial…

"Conway's line about the Twin Towers falling in his lap isn't the crass line of a mere manipulator—it's the line of a true narcissist who really envisions joining the military after 9/11 and engaging in combat as a mythic quest for his own political greatness. (Nobody in reality did anything like that.) "

I agree with many of your criticisms, but I don't think it's a "pure nihilist show". It's a nightmarish rendition of our worst fears and suspicions about politics, but it definitely has some sense of morality and conviction, even if clumsily applied.

Agreed. Impressionists are dime a dozen nowadays. I actually think it's more funny to do an impression that's completely off, like The Beatles in Walk Hard or Nick Kroll's Larry Bird.

"You're not making government better. You're making Christianity worse."
-James Madison

Don't hate the game, hate the player

Clearly you haven't seen John Ashcroft singing:

All I know is that the liberal media needs to stop blaming everyone for the blackfish's problems. The blackfish needs to look in the mirror.

I didn't assume that at all. I was just making a joke based on your Simpsons reference and username.

There were over 600 people in the Abramoff scandal and your brother Michael Scanlon was the best looking of them all. [Shuddering at the thought of Tom DeLay's face].