Jehosophat-ass Bass

Yeah, but we'll too busy being locked up in FEMA camps to enjoy it.

All I have in this world is my balls and my google translate. And I don't break them for nobody.

He knew about 9-Benghazi before George Hillary was born! Molon Labea!

You know there are plenty of people trying to make the world a better place who aren't rich, condescending, hypocritical limousine liberals. You can say Trey Parker is unfair to some (or even all) famous activists, but I think your point is a bit too far.

Do we? Do we really?

I agree, even though I think Yates' is the much better actor. Have seen Hammerschmidt in a bunch of stuff, and he's always one note and vaguely unconvincing. Yates' character is just poorly conceived and horribly written.

Yeah, but at least the Kevin Finnerty stuff was somewhat fresh/original at the time, at least in the medium of TV, even if not all of it worked. This just screamed, "we're doing a watered-down Sopranos dream sequence".

I mean Bush wasn't nearly the spectacle, but there was a similar "shit, if this guy becomes president…what then?" feeling, at least for me. In a different way, perhaps, but his whole presidency it never went away.

I mean I don't disagree, but I think we are all forgetting that George W Bush was president. People may fight me on this, but it's really not THAT much more absurd than Trump.

/turns to camera Now of course my mama never said I was born to do House of Cards monologues, but if there's one thing I learned about the people of Gaffney, South Carolina, it's that they love their mamas almost as much as they hate them.

Even more hilarious that oil is at crisis level prices and Russia is still teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.

I confess I am but a spring chicken born after the introduction of PBR in 1844.

PBR is, and always was, generic cheap beer. A dude like Mike, and basically anybody not worthy of being punched in the face, is not going to drink or not drink it because of what hipsters do.

Worked for hitler and mlk.

Pointless? Eugene Debs got thrown in jail after getting a million votes! That's kind of a point…

Ideologically maybe, but doesn't seem like a power-hungry maniac and seems vaguely connected to reality. That's not nothing.

Well they technically COULD spike the world price if they drastically cut their output, but it would be economic suicide.

Last season was already far too topical with the out of left field rants about WalMart and Israel. Bizarro Putin felt kind of tacked-on ripped from he headlines too, but he fits pretty perfectly with the universe of the show, so it's not as bad.

I think (i hope) the show is portraying Claire as losing it due to the implosion of Frank's political career and her diminishing chances of piggybacking on it after an honorable discharge.

Well there is a reasonably big Armenian international crime ring, most notably involving diamond smuggling and some heroin into Europe I think. It pales in comparison to Russian mafia, of course, but I think it's simply a way of avoiding the cliche of Cosa Nostra, Vory V Zakone, etc. The LA connection makes sense too.