Jehosophat-ass Bass

There was a lot of corporate welfare-type stuff in the New Deal, including the ability for businesses to form cartels. The Republicans were dead-set against every social safety net provision of the new deal (and employed remarkably similar rhetoric and tactics as used in their similarly doomed fight against

I miss the good old days when Republicans literally sat around doing nothing, letting big business run amok and opposing wars because they were too cheap to pay for it. Gosh darn Teddy Roosevelt ruined everything.

Carter inherited detente with the Soviet Union and proceeded to destroy it by supporting the Mujahidin in Afghanistan.

A President CAN have that much power, but he needs a hell of a lot of relationships at all levels of government and mastery of the art of political operating, and Obama clearly has neither. I think LBJ is the last president who really had that, and not surprisingly is in many ways the model for Frank Underwood.

emoprogressive? The fuck does that even mean? I never expected Obama to be the Messiah on earth, I don't feel betrayed by him personally, I just think he's been kind of mediocre and shitty. In fairness to him, he inherited a mess, but that kind of mess requires both great vision ideologically, and great skill in

Well we certainly agree there.

Oooh, he's going for the righteous indignation dollar. Big Dollar. Our research shows a lot of people are feeling that. Huge market right there. Very smart.


Never argue with a 6 year old who shaves [with a lightsaber].

But I already HAD oogie!

Well he might pass the "better than Bush test", but Obama didn't do jack dick for this country except give symbolic hope to black people and temporarily reassure our college professors and allies that we weren't turning into the Third Reich.

With all due respect, horseshit. Obama's horrible record on civil liberties is open to be opposed by both the ACLU, and far-right antigovernment lunatics. You're on solid constitutional ground if you're asserting that the president doesn't have the right to extrajudicially execute an American citizen, regardless of

This show is far too familiar to BB. I still like it, but they've basically turned Saul into a cross between Jesse and Walt's storyline.

ok, humor me. What was it trying to do that was so revolutionary?

Well, if it had one or both of good jokes and good drama but it didn't make tonal sense, it would be an admirable misfire. As such, it was just a pile of shit.

my lack of faith was justified! Seems like it just trotted out jokes that already seemed tired in Harold and Kumar 2.

To be fair, Moore did shamelessly defend obomber's drone program. I think the Alex Jones peeps have a reasonable beef with him all things considered.

Jaime was portrayed as evil as Cersei in Season 1, but his character took a different path after being captured by Robb Stark.

I saw televised rape's future and its name is Sophie Turner

There is nothing funny or attractive about undermining the fabric of America's moral decency with cultural Marxism! Did you know that Amy Schumer is related to the head of the Senate Banking Committee????? WAKE UP SHEEP!!!!