Jehosophat-ass Bass

Oh, yes, that was beautiful. Thoroughly enjoyed. Even if they hadn't won the title, I would be forever grateful to your Mavs for dismantling those guys, who were somehow even more detestable than the Shaq iteration of the Lakers.

I'm sorry, but a Bird/LeBron discussion is similarly insane in my mind. James is simply the best all-around player the game has ever seen, and the only conceivable argument against him is greater longevity or more rings. Bird had those edges at some point, but not anymore. Setting aside the Wilt/Russell generation

I'm with you on the 60's. But neither '08 or '10 would really make for great narrative. Not that those Finals didn't have their moments, but '08 Boston was clearly the better team, and 2010 was Boston way overachieving in defeat.

Yeah, it wasn't until MJ came back and three-peated again that the remaining naysayers conceded the argument.

Thank you for the interview recommendation, I will check it out. I've never seen him in-depth, just short clips for commentary and such, he's always seemed very smart and a true gentleman.

What an odd policy. Does it have something to do with this very logical thing that immediately occurred to me?

Either Ms. Bowman thought it was too obvious to point out or she…[puts on sunglasses]…fell down on the job.

This one was better. Recency bias can kiss my balls.

Or they're people who think that women and minorities perfectly deserve the same rights as everybody else, but think that saving the planet or preventing some horrific pointless war is kinda sorta a little more important than Caitlyn Jenner or Colin Kaepernick.

She will have her cult, and anti-cult. Unless she's revealed actually to be a serial-killing Satanist, or more absurdly unlikely, becomes president, I would be shocked if the average American will know or care about her in 50 years in the way Nixon is still part of our consciousness now.

We live in a country of giant pussies who give the police the authority and legal cover to do goddamn anything and then only talk about it is a problem when a black guy gets shot, because anything and everything that's a problem in this country is purely a function of race.

If "trying as hard as possible for peace" means trying to maneuver Germany toward a war with Russia that would kill millions of people, then yeah.

Yeah, but, but…"the prism through which we view it has been substantially altered since the events of last November. Watching ego-driven politicians ruthlessly accumulate power, manipulate their constituencies, make shady alliances, and plot and scheme to defeat their enemies…well, none of that really qualifies as

Veep inhabits the real world in a way that House of Cards does not even aspire to do, bizarro Putin notwithstanding.

Stop microaggressing against Annika Sorenstam, you pig.

They've also never had a character I've been invested in as much as Corey Stoll. I mean, the writing on several background has been way better than I would have expected, but a lot of them feel tacked on at this point.

LBJ was also a mover-and-shaker in the legislature, who became VP, then took over the presidency mid-term. He even has an LBJ poster in his office. Yes, the relationship with Claire is obviously supposed to evoke Hillary, but otherwise there's very little to suggest Bill.

Little known fact: Out of deference to the slain president, Chester Arthur's cabinet was known as Garfield Administration without Garfield.

A Republican Senator who's skeleton in the closet involves a sex scandal with a WOMAN? That is too crazy, even for Game of Thrones.

Well, that's true of almost every politician who promises to change everything at some point. It doesn't mean right wingers will stop believing what they believe.