Jehosophat-ass Bass

Patton is the best. Didn't he interrupt an interview at some concert just to shit all over wolfmother who were on stage? I think he said something along the lines of "What fucking year is this?" It was wondrous.

AiC were nature's onions.

Glad you mentioned AiC, scrolled down the whole thread to see if anyone would. only difference is that Staley never blamed his parents or girlfriends [though he had some choice words about the latter at times, particularly on dirt]. It's just "I'm a giant fuckup, it's entirely my fault, and don't bother feeling

Agreed - if anything the theme of this season is that Americans' urge to control everything is literally driving us insane. Putting it in Germany just underscores the point - a nation that realized how suicidal it was to try to dominate the world and have moved on with their lives. Whether the show undercuts that

IDK about 4…the Neocons rather liked Pakistan [or Musharraf's government at any rate]. The Neocon love affair with Pak goes all the way back to the Reagan years, when Zia ul Haq was a bulwark against Communism. In fact, the lineage can be traced back to the Paleocons, when Nixon stood firmly behind Pakistan in '71.

His name means "house of shadow" or "gate of shadow" in arabic

I think he's also trying to prevent embarrassment for the agency. If he's found, or ends up in a hospital, it could raise questions. Killing Carrie was a bridge too far, but he's still an agency man to the bitter end.

Yeah, but I don't think in Spallone's case he was willfully ignorant - As Simon himself acknowledged, both via cues in the show and his post-episode commentary, Spallone was someone who saw the disasters of 60's/70's public housing policy in NYC and was 100% convinced it would happen again in Yonkers; I definitely

What "major policy achievement" is ever uncontentious? Even Obamacare, which about a third of democrats oppose on the grounds of being too conservative, is still a goddamn firestorm of controversy almost six years later.

Fair enough. I appreciated it in a "points for trying" kind of way, which is pretty much my attitude towards the whole show by now.

I might be reading too much into it, but Frank is modeled somewhat on LBJ (white southern democrat, legislative gamesmanship master who became then VP then President). LBJ used to hold meetings while he was on the toilet as a show of power to adversaries and underlings. Having Claire do it is EDGIER I guess.

The problem dramatically with a power-hungry scheming Republican was exemplified in another Spacey vehicle, namely Casino Jack (not to be confused with the excellent eponymous documentary). Namely, if your party believes fully in the Free Market and the Law of the Jungle, then what is the conflict from a character

But have you seen smiley face??? It's like every other stoner movie but the main character is a chick! That's innovative, I don't care who y'are.

Most notably the alive-ness of our then ambassador to Libya.

This film gets my highest rating, a 7 out of 10.

It was Corddry who made the original, IMO. As always, he took the thankless, one-dimensional asshole role and really made something out of it.

God dammit, Token, you're black there's gotta be a bass guitar lying around there somewhere.

I thought he said Jewk Skywalker…

It was actually Karel Capek's brother Josef who coined the term robot. A common error as Josef was less famous and known more as a painter.

I think that's why Khan is willing to help Carrie - he suspects his underling of going off the reservation, and wants to go outside the family to try to expose it.