Jehosophat-ass Bass

Not with THAT makeup she won't

Is it any coincidence that the turrorists blew up every single CIA agent except her?


He has great comedic talent, he just either has horrible taste or is a massive whore. Maybe both.

Oh its totally absurd from a plot standpoint, I took that as a given. Allowing for the circumstancial implausibility, it makes sense on the character level.

I think that the Saul/Haqqani dialogue was intentionally and successfully funny, albeit not as funny as all the stuff you mentioned; "I won't even give you the satisfaction of the Jew-rant"

Not since Forrest Whittaker in the Shield has an antagonist been this correct about everything

Your post made me chucke, but I think he's a lifelong fuckup finally feeling useful, and/or he wants to impress and bone ISI lady because he's given up on his relationship with his wife; not reality-caliber believable, but at least they set up the character motivation

I like the ones that end on a note of ambiguity, like the Iverson one back in the original series. You still don't know at the end whether Sweeney got away with one or not.

I'm not saying it took insight, but it takes a modicum of balls and it's something that should be said in public more often.

It's fun if you accept how ridiculous the whole thing is.

AC isn't exactly Sticksville. It's not a center of industry or commerce, but as a tourist hotspot with plenty of illicit business (or legal ones to extort), it's not a bad place for the mob. Hence the interest from both the New York and Philly guys. The encroachment of these gangster heavyweights is part of the

Yeah, but that was the point. Luciano/Capone stories have been done a million times. It became a straight gangster story by the end, but it was really about the sea change from local political machines controlling everything to the awesome profits of bootlegging upsetting the whole equation and necessitating the


Disagree on the Margaret/religious plotline. First of all, unlikely people have intermittently religious episodes, including Larry Flynt for fucks' sake. Second of all, her guilt complex was exploited quite adeptly by the local priest, as we saw. Never underestimate Irish Catholic guilt, my friend.

How's this for a gross oversimplifaction? They "need to be friends" in Afghanistan for strategic depth (even though that whole concept is really irrelevant due to the deterrent effect of their nukes, but whatever), and "they need to be enemies" when Taliban defies the central government within Pak's borders. This of

No the US didn't. Al-Qaeda attacked explicitly American targets from the very beginning. The US may have been friends with Bin laden and various other Islamic militants, but not Al-Qaeda.

Hip-hop isn't played out because Brother Ali raps about how people in power are corrupt and stuff, which no one has ever done before.

"People who like Sublime are probably people who think that Guy Fieri is badass."

The A.V. Club
engaging in obnoxious self-congratulation over having such enlightened taste in music…I learned that in middle school