Jehosophat-ass Bass

I like them too, but I do think "What I Got" is pretty insipid.

Just like Seth MacFarlane! Except the ideas are all actually different from one another and he has talent.

There was also the part where a crucial plot point (arguably the most crucial of the entire series), occured in a montage set to "bawitdaba".

I was in college around the time the movie "Brick" came out, and I was forced to pretend to read about 8,000 horrible screenplays that took other genres or stories and put them…IN HIGH SCHOOL. This is only going to get worse.

Because a genre of music based on being pissed off largely for the sake of being pissed off has a more inherently male than female appeal?

It was this weird nasally extension of the vowel from the previous letters. As in, "turn the lights off, carry meeeeee yyyyoooome"). I think he was going for that mean sounding working class British "dropping the h" thing, but just totally botched it and sounded like the lame suburban poser that he was.

Real punkers are 55 years old, living with their parents and their day job is throwing glass bottles at police vehicles.

This implies that there was a right wave of emo.

Someday you will find that Oasis album, caught beneath the landslide of the 90's punk cd's in a box in your basement.

Any singer who drops his h's like that should be assaulted with hammers.

But they were female and did punk stuff! Don't you have a heart?

You can dismiss them by saying they're an uninteresting re-hash of earlier, better punk bands. You'd be an asshole, but you could.

I think Pennywise might be the most mediocre band in any genre. All their albums sold exactly the same number of copies and all their songs sounded exactly the same.

Fight and Challenge and Challenge and Fighting Tonight!

I think "cardboard Marzipan" made a reference to the foie gras ban in Chicago, but it was funny particularly because it was so out of character to talk about current events.


Although I don't think anybody in the Avclub will be doing male modeling or high finance anytime soon.

A Steinbrenner always pays his debts.

The Hammurabi's, Han Feizi's and Hobbes' of the world certainly wouldn't have any use for Vic.

The Shield is primarily about what people are willing to live with, and the Wire is about what people are forced to live with.