Jehosophat-ass Bass

Considering our nation was founded by a war that was fought to prevent paying taxes on the previous war, I'd say pretty much always.

Thank you Jeebus. It's the clunkiest and most obvious part of the entire show, which is really saying something.

It's not just that he has two lives. The creators of this show cut his life in two pieces. And this is his last resort.

Plus a million. I would add Reservoir Dogs onto that.

Oh yeah, I obviously hate Mexicans because I think W was a deluded figurehead moron. Believe it or not, some born-rich Republicans from the shallower end of the gene pool actually believe all that shit. W, I think was one of those people. Could be wrong, but he seems to fit the profile.
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove

You're missing a key point: he didn't think there was a distinction between serving the public interest and enriching his friends. There are two-faced sharks like Rove and Cheney who believe in the law of the jungle, and there are deluded, sheltered simpletons like W who genuinely believe that what's best for the

They were very similar candidates. Nobody at that point realized that Cheney would be the actual president.

I actually take it the opposite way, I thought his initial plan was to be an ineffectual golf-playing slacker who enriched his constituents, but after 9/11 he decided he wanted to change the world on top of all that. Needless to say he wasn't up to it, and seemed genuinely despondent about how wrong everything went

Well it's the same reason we couldn't go right to war in Cambodia after Vietnam. The 'Murrican people just wouldn't go for it after the disaster in Iraq (not to mention the ongoing stalemate in Afghanistan). The Gates plan of stepping up covert/special forces operations while disengaging militarily started under

And bully for it. Especially because what passes for a moral study in today's cable drama is softball liberalism lobbed at a sympathetic audience (I'm looking at you Mad Men).

The real Hughes was a bridge too far for a Hollywood biopic, even in the unregenerate character universe of Scorsese. A Nazi sympathizer, rabid racist and anti-Semite, a war profiteer all the way through Vietnam, not merely a victim of his insanity but someone who made thousands of others suffer on its account.

4. The sound of 10,000 monkeys writing a TV show

@avclub-f8523a7e392b7ab306239f511fd75280:disqus To gain insight into how much the CIA cares about civilian casualties and how we can get the world back on our side by feeling bad about stuff.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus @J.P. McPickleshitter   Or maybe it's both.  Maybe, like a typical teenager, she has grasped on to one illuminating truth about herself and her situation and mistakenly thinks she has everything else figured out too.

Is it me or is she EXACTLY the same character as Joan's mom from Mad Men, both in terms of personality and plot function?

I don't think Voight's political views are the issue here.  How many people even remember he's a right-winger ?
I like him in this show, but he's extremely hammy and his character is often messily written.  I think Occam's Razor would point to that as the reason for viewer's distaste

Of course not, but I think we've all accepted that this ain't the Sopranos, so there's little point in continuing to hammer home how this show falls short of that impossibly high standard.

Ahhh, I see.  In my defense, if anywhere there was to be an explicit defense of pig-headedness in musical taste, it would be here.

That perspective can be entertaining but needs a shit-ton more depth, perspective and original insight than this guy provided.

Especially because he upholds the beatles and stones as "good taste" that all "real" rock fans need.  He really is part of the select few.