Jehosophat-ass Bass

Sweet Child O' Mine is a shitty ballad propped up by awesome guitar-ing.  It really should have been a limp-dick Sherly Crow number.  That's it's natural state.

Too easy to pick on and too much Courtney Love-style baggage to distract from the core of why her music sucks.

You're clearly reading all the wrong websites, man, cause the rich white people are losing.

@avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus ZOMG a female drummer!  I think I'm gonna cream my jeans.  You're the reason the White Stripes are popular, and you can eat a death star full of dicks.

Springsteen somehow evaded the bland corporate rock tag that uniformly applies to the 70's because he sang about the working man.  Well you know what, the working man got outhustled by Mexicans.  Why don't you write a song about that Bruce Boy?  Fuck him and his Duke Ellington-sized saxophone-playing band.

He could be an alien.  I saw a sitcom pilot where there was an Asian kid named Reggie Jackson.  BUT HE WAS REALLY AN ALIEN.

I know this is damning with nonexistent praise, but at the very least Kravitz was less phony-ethnic than Christina Aguilera.

@avclub-8e3d05b3a02cebcb45d304a5224a6113:disqus It was his job.  Now it's Barry White's non-union Mexican Equivalent's job.

You know what else is the same damn riff over and over and over and over again? Satisfaction.  (And Paint it, Black).  I'm not trying to be a hipster dbag who goes after the sacred cow hippy industrial complex establishment music.  It's just the same riff a million times.  And it can fuck right off.

Elvis Costello is just innocuous enough t be musically defensible to a wide array of people, and just obscure enough that he makes you sound cool to like.  He needs to be stopped.

I realized this (great musicianship, terrible lyrics) about RHCP when I was 15 and I felt so sophisticated.  I realized the same thing about Soundgarden when I was 17, and it was somehow more depressing.

But at least the "aging Boston criminal makes pact with the FBI to stay out of jail" plot point was original, right?

"Maybe we’re supposed to think that Cersei doesn’t know what she’s doing? Because that felt like an incredibly stupid move from a court intrigue angle."
That is precisely what we're supposed to think.  She only understands power from a "knife to the throat" perspective, as has been demonstrated many times, and is

@avclub-a4588b2238c4244567744117f04422c4:disqus If you don't have the pleasure of knowing any such people, you can check out the comment section of National Review Online.  Or the articles.

@avclub-6dfdd63abbcb8863fba5ab0ab35d76f5:disqus I can't believe people still had/have hope for Don.  He's been an unregenerate bastard for years with virtually no positive change.  He also still believes entirely in his own bullshit, despite his awareness of how miserable (and shitty at his job) he's become over the

I'm with you on many viewers missing the point, and creating  a shitty discourse.

Eh, it was watered down David Lynch, but I'll still take it.  Especially with so many of the people I know who watch MM being douche bags, both of the "I'm artsy and super-cultured for watching a middlebrow TV drama" and "I'm genuinely depressed that rich white people have lost 2.5% of control of society since the

Worked just fine for about-to-be-President Nixon.  
Speaking of which, I wonder if the show will return to it's absurdly on-the-nose and out of nowhere parallel of Don and Tricky Dick from Season 1 or just be too embarrassed and forget it ever happened.

+ a barn full of whores and internetz.  The Dick Whitman subplot to me automatically knocked Mad Men down a peg from the level of the Sopranos, which had many many minor missteps, but never got something that big so wrong.  
I felt totally vindicated when in Sepinwall's book (and probably elsewhere that I never read),