When me and some friends were playing the "Porn titles from Hollywood movies" game one drunken evening the winner was the Harry Potter one.
When me and some friends were playing the "Porn titles from Hollywood movies" game one drunken evening the winner was the Harry Potter one.
Wait a second….I thought that the first 15 episodes of Evangelion were a rather pedestrian "boy and his giant robot" series with a few weird religious motifs thrown in. The "total insane nonsense" you speak of is where that show finally hooked me and transcended the conventions of the genre and showed that even…
Michelle Malkin. Or Sarah Palin.
Don't you say anything bad about Blood of Heroes! That was the best movie about putting a dog's skull on a spike EVER!!!
Whenever guys talk about The Forever War, they always have to make sure to say "I didn't like the whole 'everyone's gay' thing". I thought it was one of more ingenious parts of the novel where the far-future government curbs overpopulation by encouraging homosexuality.
More CGI abominations stinking up theaters
At least this one gives me an excuse to post this!
What about her role as plucky Amelia Earhart in "Night at the Museum 2"? She at least has some experience in mutilating portrayals of historical figures.
Well, you know what they say son…..zero plus zero equals FAG!
Why is Tobias writing this?
I've always enjoyed New Cult Canon for both introducing me to movies that I've missed and for a new perspective on films that I've enjoyed. My take on this series is has been to show why a certain film merits "cult" status. I even went back and re-watched Starship Troopers because of…
Wait, are we saying The Daily Show is racist now? Because as a person of color I could give a shit if the girls get their panties in a bunch but I can get all sorts of indignant about race!
At Men's Wearhouse, you'll never have to battle between low prices and….
The difference is simple:
Hey! Don't piss off the Dick Wolf! What would happen is best left to the imagination.
Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal — you sockdologizing old man-trap
No! I am Spartacus!
Well I guess I'm going to have to repaint Step-n-Fetch-it-Bot now.
Just come over here and grab that e-meter. That'll be $45,000 please!
One chromosone too many!
I used to listed to them back in the day, but they haven't exactly been prolific recently. I think I'm gonna have to queue up some Hardcore Devo right now.
I never saw the problem with the whole gun licking controversy. If skanky chicks are gonna get all tarted up and lick guns for my viewing pleasure, then why the hate?
Well, being the owner of a powerboat and knowing a little french, I think it's safe to say that I know SOMETHING about the music industry!