
It's not a good movie, though. It's pretty much nonsense, and feels like huge chunks are missing (which they are) and the rest is cobbled together from bits of pieces that were edited out. The story is a jumbled mess, the characters are all over the place (especially Pacino) and the so-called "ambiguity" of the

Non-voters are lazy and apathetic, but are they cowards? I don't think it's fear that keeps them out of the voting booth, more like a sense that voting doesn't matter and they don't want to deal with the busybody church ladies who run those places.

By the way… Room With a View has full-frontal male nudity, penises and everything, AND it's rated PG.

"Playground of my Mind" by Clint Holmes
Cause then I won't mind so much being dead soon.

You think Vegas is slightly controlled chaos? I'd say it's the illusion that amazing things are about to happen for you, all the time, but they never do, and by the way there are very scary people watching your every step, all the time, and just give them an excuse to bust some heads. Oh, and if you're out of money,

I guess that was probably 10+ years ago, but man, the whole meta-thing of pretending to be a hack comedian is really tired and played out…

The Battlestar Galactica guy's octagon is actually quite explicable. Or explainable. Whichever.

I imagine Ben and Tex Watson have a lot in common

The Baffler
I thought it was coming back. Get on that, Frank.

By the way there is a "greatest video of all time", and it's Bastards of Young.

No, because I didn't even know they were actually real. I thought it was a made-up thing like Burgermeister.

Are all Aldermen evil?
I don't think I've ever seen one on a TV show or movie that hasn't been a cartoonishly corrupt bastard.

I bet they come up with some way for Ben to pass his priesthood on to Bard.

Do they actually film her at Pratt, in class and stuff?
Cause something seems wrong about having a camera crew in the room filming some classmate of mine when I'm (or more likely, my parents are) paying $30,000+ in tuition.

Stray Observations
The intentionally horrible dialogue in "Pucks" is really no worse than anything in "Episodes." The writing last week was particularly terrible.

There's only one Linkin Park song I can stand, and it turns out it's not even them, it's Papa Roach, who I also hate.

Who cares about The Room
Where the hell is The Neighbors?

I don't normally pull the race card, but I think he's completely forgetting about African Americans.

And I don't know what "Moon isn't be" means. Oops.

Moon isn't be