
You can't put a school in Tarzana and then try and put Hollywood in the name. It just doesn't work.

I'm hoping they were singing Under the Bridge over and over

I dunno, if a rapper named "Dr. Clownpants" put out an album named "Honkin' on Bobo" I'd be pretty intrigued.

I always resisted this movie, mostly because it couldn't top Battle Royale, but also because it just seemed like low-hanging fruit. I feel like just hearing what it's about, I've already seen the whole movie.

So what are you saying, you think Paul Verhoven didn't know what he was doing with Starship Troopers and Robocop? You think a guy who grew up in Nazi occupied The Hague during WW2 has straight fascist fantasies we're mistaking as satire? Do you have any awareness of his 15 years of work before Robocop, including the

Plus there's hip hop, which the Brits aren't too good at. And R&B.

Hogan was doing intelligence work. He could have left, but he was on a mission.

The characters Amy and Jordan in the Doom Generation are named after the comic strip "Amy and Jordan", which is the possibly the greatest piece of art that's ever existed.

I just think it's funny his name's Quesada, which is almost quesadilla, and to make quesadillas you need a burner. Or.. a torch.

I vote for Wild Orchid 2: Two Shades of Blue.

I heard some great stuff happened in the Summer of 69.

I love Karl Pilkington
The more I watch and listen to the show the more I think Karl is a totally surreal (and faux naive) genius on the level of Mitch Hedburg. And of course it's kind of an act, he's clearly quite bright with amazing comic timing.

I saw that movie about Zenith. It's not as good as "Emerson" or "Coby: The Movie"

Who, exactly, isn't a "hipster?"
I feel like the definition of "hipster" (especially when used derisively) has stretched considerably in the last few years to encompass just about everyone under 50 who enjoys any sort of pop culture whatsoever.

This is hardly the first time women in the movies enjoyed casual sex. What about the movie Casual Sex?

We feel the same way about you.

Snakes on a plane was full of EPIC WIN.

I think the correct answer is "he just disappeared", because no matter what people speculate, he's not seen again. And it's fiction.

It's no Johnny Mneumonic.

Are they still doing that curse? I haven't seen anything particularly horrible happen to Supermans recently, though I guess there's still time for Brandon Roushch.