
"Sometimes I open my mouth and say stupid things that only hurt others…"

I think a lot of us have build building up a quiet, slowly festering irritation with their cloying cutesiness and obvious, one-note joke songs for some time now and this has been the first time to vent.

Their preciousness is really precocious. I'm not a fan of them at all, though I mostly know them from ruining Comedy Death Ray podcasts.

When does "New Cult Canon" begin?
And what does that term actually mean, anyway?

Yeah, the funhouse thing was kind of rape. Except, he's a nerd. So it's okay and kinda funny.

I've seen way, way too many movies, books, TV shows, whatever described as "critically panned" when they were released, only later to reach classic status later when they're re-discovered or just . That's not even including "cult" movies and stuff, which can very well be terrible but still have a certain something

What could anyone possibly find wrong with Saxondale? That show is amazing.

Also, regardless of whether Stiller sucks or not, Steve Coogan is involved. I cant think of anyone more deserving of a"lifetime pass", as people around here say.

You guys are just making all these words up.

If you want an unlocked iphone you can also get and older one that's used. My friend got one on Craigslist for like $100 that he put his own sim card in and uses on T Mobile.

If I had the power to decree that none of my co-workers were allowed to strike up a conversation with me in the elevator I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I get the feeling saying she's "a company girl", "not a fashionista" etc. is a complete fuck-you to get revenge on Sevigny by striking out at the one thing that matters to her, being the coolest person in the room.

Damn, Cinema Village and Film Forum both have one screen too many, I guess.

That was the most insightful article I've read anywhere for a while.

You bet your ass the Simpsons paid. It wasn't "fair use", which pretty much doesn't exist in animation anyway (which is kind of a tradeoff for much greater ability to claim "parody") and if you remember the episode it was more like 15-30 seconds.

And Charlie the Tuna can't wait to get gutted, cooked and stuffed into cans.
It's called a "death wish" and this man needs help.

I think he looks like if Julia Stiles' dad was to star in a community theater production of Big Lebowski.

Yeah, it does bug me when Cohen tries to play like the joke is on his character. He's using real and unaware people as comedy props and we're laughing at their stupidity/backwardsness as much as we are the broad stereotypes and feigned ignorance behind his characters.

This sounds eerily similar to the plot of Infinite Jest