
My impression is that it's a show with a wonderful sense of atmosphere, great art design and good character acting. If you like the 20s at all, it's worth watching for that.


I love Buscemi too but he's miscast. He's the master when it comes to playing characters that radiate so much anti-charisma you're completely fascinated by them. As a powerful lead who's supposed to have confidence and menace though, I don't buy it. I don't buy that that man could rule a town or that anyone would

People whine about the ending because the ending SUCKED. It was straight out of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which you'd think one of the writers must have read when they were a nerdy sci-fi obsessed teen.

I do kind of agree. Plus it's still playing in theaters in L.A. I could go see it in Sherman Oaks or Culver City right now if I wanted.

Guy who stole from Patton Oswalt= Unknown local comedian who basically lifted the entire act because he can't write his own jokes. Or correct me if I'm wrong, has he done anything else to speak of?

She's also Selma Green on Big Love and was Napoleon Dynamite's aunt. A really great character actress.

Between Sam Raimi executive producing and Lucy Lawless being in it I think this show has a lot more in common with Xena and Hercules than Rome. It's not historically accurate at all, but it is really cheesy exploitation fun.

Sounds suspiciously like a cover of 4'33

Well, they want sitcoms to last 10 years so they can make billions syndicating them.

I could see it working with the Mighty Boosh cast. Or Peep Show.

… And wasn't Matador itself at least partially owned by Atlantic and Capitol records? It's a pretty blurry line between "indie" and "mainstream"

It doesn't seem to be on Netflix, unfortunately..

Nobody knows who Leighton Meester is! He's very quiet and enjoys puzzles.

Yeah, all the characters thought Bailey was attractive. She just had no self esteem.

He's saying 20-40 year olds weren't home watching TV on Saturday night and the best proof you can give that they were is "The Golden Girls?"

How dare you lump Mike Myers with Peter Sellers.

This is a really faulty question. Comedy either works or it doesn't.

Go look at him being Larry King, then come back and say his impressions aren't funny.

I take 1, 1, 1 cause you left me…