
Napoleon had one to prevent misery

I think the 99 cents for TV shows is more the selling point especially for those of us who don't have cable. Plus it does stream Netflix. For $99 it seems like something a lot of people would want.

Are there any really good standup comedians from the U.K.? I assume there must be, but I can't think of any… And no, I don't like Gervais as a standup, though I love everything else he does.

I thought him liking Halen was part of the joke, since burnout stoner metalhead types in movies and TV in the 90s always, always, always liked music that was a good 10 years out of date.. For some reason no TV or movie writers were ever even remotely familiar with current non-top 40 bands.

I'm not complaining at all, but doesn't it seem like this season Mad Men has gone from being a drama with comedic moments to almost a pure comedy?

BTW, just for whatever's sake, the not-actually-austistic kid in question isn't Jim Carey's… He's from a previous marriage.

Well, gilrs that age mess with hearts. Especially cute ones like Winnie who have a lot of options. I think it's actually a credit to the show that they didn't make her love Kevin Arnold as much as he loved her, which is what you'd see on many other shows.

Um. Matthew Broderick was in "Election."

I don't think Winnie Cooper was that snooty or pissy, really. She just wasn't as interested in Kevin as he was in her.

Wonder Years is just Stand By Me without a dead body.

There are many more underrated comedies, honestly. King of the Hill wasn't ever a cultural phenomenon or anything but it lasted a long time and had considerable good will. You don't hear it talked about all that much, but that's because it's never so outrageously funny or wild that you would pass clips around or talk

Leave it to Beaver
If you ever have a chance, watch the episode "Box Office Attraction." Wally falls for a girl who works at a movie theater, but is dismayed when she takes him to a bar for their date (where she drinks, smokes and evidently dances with a lot of men.) Wally doesn't drink, of course, and goes home