Shatner Face

Can't wait…
…for your thoughts on "The Girl Who Was Death." I mean, I WILL wait, but I don't have to like it.

i wish you to die of as-yet undetermined causes

I will surely watch the pilot…
… with a bag of Funyons in my lap and Fugees on the stereo

I wa actually on Name That Video also. Karen Bryant was the host. I came in 2nd place but the guy ahead of me lost the car and won $4500. I got a trip for 2 to Key West and didn't have to declare it on my taxes. The real winner that day? Me.

It's Yakov, not Yakoff, you jakoff.

Is this Kosher?
As long as I don't put it in a White Russian?

Well, I spent a weekend with Bebe Neuwirth.

Now it's Bone-YES!

It certainly does have a great concept and appeal, and I should read the book sometime. But the camp, implausibility, and creativity behind the gangs/uniforms was what made it shine. A remake with the Crips and Bloods and Latin Kings will be like watching a 2-hour episode of "Gangland" that just moves geographically

that would be "Drinks-o-nicity"! amiright, people?

Tony fucking Scott
this is the same chucklehead who is remaking "The Warriors" in L-fucking-A and wants to use real gang members for the film. Has he no sense of decency, at long last? I wish he'd remake "Blade Runner" just so he'd be the victim of fratricide.

Thirdsies are for closers.

According to his pal Bill Hicks that vineyard will be bayfront property soon

If you are going to slam a show/movie/musician/ etc you must endure watching/listening/reading the thing you slam. It's a revolutionary concept, I know, to back up an opinion with conviction, but to use Sugartits as an example (and by no means is he alone in this thread or others) you must at least watch an episode

Actually the first original "Sheeeeeit" is here:

Hey, it's Riff Randell! Our number one fan!

I meant the whole festival. But since you mention it: why sign up to play "Write the Night" and then decline to do the one thing that makes the concert different? Many of the bands on this line up are way too precious but that takes the cake.

That photo made my morning a lot cheerier. Kudos.

Interesting premise…
…that could make for a horrible and esoteric jumble of music

Unfair, Jorge. NAMBLAholics go to meetings! ZING!