tanuki g

For the first time there is nothing I can agree with in a review. The episode moved at top-speed to try and out run the stupid but to no avail. This was just stupid, really, REALLY stupid. After a good episode of character work last week this plunges straight into the dire writing that plagued season 1.

Quick theory around the Vault:
We know that the Doctor has been guarding it for at least 50 years Earth-time.
From Knock-Knock it appears that the Doctor is NOT in charge of keeping the Vault door shut, but whoever is inside has control of it opening.
The Doctor has made a vow to guard the vault and while doing so he is

In the promo for next week he seems to be using the sonic sunglasses for just that. Hate the bloody things but that does appear to be a smart use for them.

To me the show was just right for time and the way it delivered it's point. People have commented that the human corpses/ zombie look detracted from the villain being the suits themselves but they weren't there just for a cool visual but that throughout the episode we never forgot exactly what the human cost was.

That was probably the whole point; to show that the TARDIS, screwdriver and even his sight is not what make the Doctor effective or dangerous. They're all cool, sure, but in the end they're just fripperies to the character. It's summed up best when Bill comes around after the first spacewalk and Nardole says "He's

She was lost in the challenges but what was interesting was watching her packing in Untucked. She wasn't self pitying and came across as a genuinely sweet, and surprisingly funny without being edgey, ditz. If she ever finds a way to channel that into a larger-than-life persona, and with experience, she'll be a good


The way this show deals with aliens is a constant headache. Last season they were all from Fort Roz and trapped here and there had been no contact with the outside galaxy for years.
This year there seems to be open travel but no one is ever shown arriving or leaving unless it's with an invasion force or by slaver's

On the whole the Guardian storyline has never made a lot of sense (but then, neither does the DEO; are they so ultra-top secret no one knows they exist or do they have walk-in city offices?). But there is one important thing it HAS done for the show and that is re-evaluate the way we view Jimmy Olsen as a prospective

Winn promised to design him a super-suit but unless he's suddenly developed a taste for all black unitards they seem to have completely forgotten about it. What a pity.

Mon-El as a character has a history with extra-dimensional limbo that does point to him sacrificing himself in the next episode. But it's also a way that leaves him open to making later guest appearances if the series does get a season 3.

yeah. "Uh, sure. Let's go with that." would've saved a couple of lines of un-needed exposition hammering that point home again.

"I need the darkness to make me a better man, a better hero."

Wouldn't help her future flat sharing prospects either.

Caitlyn as Killer Frost got some good story-time this week (even though her heel-turn still makes zero sense), so *of course* Iris does nothing because this show cannot handle having two female characters doing things at once. Way back in the Doctor Light episode we got to see Caitlyn, Linda & Iris all share the

The soundtrack got to me very fast. Not a fan of it.

Dang, must've looked away. Thanks for the correction.

This is the most impressed with Doctor Who I've been in longer than I can remember. This was well written & impeccably acted, it was drama not the yelling melodrama the show can devolve into.

If the show does a The Three Masters storyline with writing like this it'll be must see.

Oh great, another episode where everything turned to shit and it's all Barry's fault. It's just incredibly sapping for this show to have another round of recriminations, it isn't Arrow.