tanuki g

Wally's KID Flash. Barry is MAN Flash. Therefore Barry is the Fastest Man Alive.
This is more explanation than the show will ever give you.

Larry may be an idiot, but he's not dumb. Or vice versa, whichever, the point is he doesn't seem to have much impulse control but he's also lied often and kept secrets for years. Honestly with the discovery of Margaret's phone I'm back to fifty-fifty on it being him.

Anybody make anything that the three primary antagonists shown in the series (Clark, Walter & Farouk) all have screwed-up eyes? Or that the scanning/ capture device from the final credits resembles a giant floating mechanical eye? Coincidence or theme?

That seems closest. Farouk was already in David as Angriest Boy/ Yellow-Eyed Demon but when his friend Lenny was killed he stepped into the void. They sort of lampshade in episode 2 when David says I'm sorry you're dead but somehow you're back.

Aesthetic was pretty nice & the story of a psychic parasite as a metaphor for mental illness had/has potential, but think it ended up getting lost in it.
If the show get less oblique going on it could be really good.
I was kind of stumped why they bothered to adapt the comic book character but leave the central idea of

The plotting on this show continues to be on the level of an average episode of Yu-Gi-Oh with absolute rules being pronounced and then overturned by the end of the eisode.
'The Spear of Destiny is COMPLETELY INDESTRUCTIBLE. Apart for this one other method that we have suddenly introduced!' Every. Time.

The moralizing on the show was so all over the place it was really hard to believe anyone was making tough choices.
Joe is letting Kadabra walk less than 24 hours after he murdered two people in his own city, but as is usual in these shows nameless fodder is there only for the main cast to get upset about in the


His parting will also be tragic enough for several episodes of total feels from Kara.

On this show the Daxamites are only super-strong, invulnerable (except to lead, which is poisonous to them & *somehow* will pierce their skin) and speedy. No flight, laser-vision, super-breath or super-ventriliquism etc.

all of the Justice League are sad orphans now. Maybe Bats was originally just starting a support group & it got out of control.

Every goddamned time. If the show was called Any Female Character Gives Danny Rand Sound Advice Which He Then Ignores it would be more accurate.


The whole villain tells the heroes a truth and they can't handle it trope wasn't well handled here as the truths were so pedestrian they seemed like the kind of things someone would get told during their first week of analysis. Maybe that's what Madame Gao does when she's not lurking ominously and the whole Hand deal

That the crew continues to be dumb enough to allow evil-Rip to take over the ship earns this show an instant D.

Hated this episode from the death of Doctor Midnite.
I don't know if the actress playing Stargirl is good in anything else, but she was completely wooden here. Honestly hoping for her to be killed like most of the other JSAers well before the end of the episode.

You mean as the Hindu 'God of Motion' (namechecked in this ep) or as SPEED-Avitar?

From the "Everything is my fault, EVERYTHING" voiceover I should have known what this was going to be like.
The speedforce is now an 'endless hell' which seems unneccesarily cruel, though all the long talky cameos from past guest-stars did make me think I was in an un-ending netherverse.
Then Jay pseudo-sacrifices

Not really. Know people who have unconverted American cars here (Aus) where we also drive on the left. They do it because they like the style.

What he looked like was if Angry Boy had been feeding for 30 years. His child-sized suit has burst and shredded around him as he's grown fat.