tanuki g

Interestingly Oliver is described as a 'beat poet' and Professor Bird says he's been stuck in the astral plane for around 20 years.
David also says "I don't think he remembers much, just facts".

Finding the show frustrating because it's really not giving us much solid to work with. Sure, it's got a built in audience but that audience is also going to know the main points about Legion as a character. Maybe they have a completely new, nothing to do with anything you've ever read about David Haller before take

Great aesthetic, not totally onboard with the way the story is being told. By the time of the dance numberwas somewhat over that aspect. I liked it but the show was demanding a level of investment beyond what I'm prepared to give it from the get go.

From the way the story is told there's also the entire possibility that the Clockworks was destroyed in the initial incident and a lot of the version we saw was a construct in his head. The facility name is leading.
Maybe each of the patients we saw is a power/alt-personality imprisoned in his head, which would

This show. For every moment of self-aware fun like the LoD calling the team idiots you get a ridiculously contrived melodrama such as the whole 'Lily is an anomoly' mess. I mean, so what?
Last week Ray didn't see Star Wars and FORGOT SCIENCE! INSTANTLY. This is a stupid thing and considering the amount of people that

Not that it was as subtle as that. So not 'spilling the beans' but 'picking the can up and throwing it in your face'.

There might be some problems with James being a DEO agent while still serving as the acting head of one of the biggest media organizations in the city. But given how M'gann is still in solitude for no discernable reason I wouldn't count on too much internal logic.

Nor are they particularly competent.

Possibly the same guy who decoded Team Flash's interdimensional invite for him?
Flash Fact: The quote he used to title his novel "The Future Ain't What It Used To Be" is ascribed to either Yogi Berra or scifi author Gary Braver (though there have been variations since the 30s). It's also the title of a Meatloaf song!

Oh wow. That means the CW has almost the full Justice League Detroit roster spread over the shows now.

Dahhhk & Thawne want to prevent their destinies of being murdered by the heroes. Merlyn just seems in it for the fun.

Deus Ex Machina.

She's hostage bait for the LoD.

why were the cops arresting him? They just showed up.

Yoga instructor Nate was cute, but they also completely forgot that the serum cured his haemophilia so he would have beld out halfway before the fight scene was over anyway.

Was kind of expecting Lucas to meet Mick, who could only growl because of the brain-surgery.

Wasn't that where the movie was about dolphins and turned out to be by a fellow relifer? Great book.

From last episode where the Professor didn't know he had a daughter it seems.

New Rule of Time. DRINK!

This was a relentlessly silly outing from start to finish with an oily dollop of Lucas worship on top so there's almost no point in trying to hold it to any rational standard, but there is some fun to be had. Darvill, Zano & Routh get to do some good comedy bits and provide most of the episodes entertainment.