tanuki g

Slipknots schtick in the original comic was he had lots of trick ropes, like Green Arrow's trick arrows.
He was also the only one dumb enough for Boomerang to talk into trying to escape because the bombs had to be a bluff. Surprisingly pretty much exactly like in the movie, but told clearer.

oh you should really check out his comics costume.

Was wondering if Tulip knows she's a widow yet?

If he does decide to bite him it will scarcely be for Demi. As the voice on the phone asked 'how well do you know him?' as he's never bothered to learn french the answer is almost certainly 'not very'.
If Cassidy does bite him it's for his own selfish sense of sentimentality. HE doesn't want to feel bad. HE wants to do

This was a very good episode for setting up the personalities and plumbing exactly where the bastard streaks our three unlikeable leads come from.

For Cassidy friendship means you stand by your mates no matter what, unless there's something you want.

Think it's a little more complex than that; Cassidy got Jessie to fixate on what he was doing to Victor mostly because he was afraid Jessie was about to ask *him* what exactly had happened between he and Tulip.

Kyra Harper's Coady and Stephen McHattie's Westmoreland get the nods for their performances as villains tonight.
On a cocktail of drugs, desperation and delusion Westmoreland still manages to avoid being a cartoon villain. Sure, quite accurately they were playing to his vanity and need for vengeance on Rachel but the

Pure old school movie musical.

Would've liked it if Felix had managed to fit Christine into the show, but it was fitting with the three that have anchored the show since the beginning.

Eye candy (at least) would've been a far better term. It was more how the audience would see the power relationship between gangster-types and helpless women kept dressed up at home.
And they're not totally unkind to them, they don't strike back when Candy nearly blackens his eye, unlike the relationship between Betty

She was getting all Coops reports so she would be intimate with the details.

Last week the inclusion of Mandy, Candy & Sandy baffled me and seemed almost wantonly cruel. A friend called it downright misogynistic.
I felt it makes more sense in thinking about the Twin Peaks story about a story.
The simian Mitchum brothers seemed obvious caricatures of Hollywood producers. They're venal gangsters

Must admit that Gordon Cole being close enough to the centre of the story that he's experience visions of Laura was an idea that hadn't occured to me.
But it makes sense; the ghost of Laura Palmer has haunted Lynch for over 25 years now and this is all tthe result of him working through it.

Major Lilywhite, and the name is a bit of a giant clue, has ALWAYS been a deconstuction of the dark paths being a big do-good hero can lead someone in a morally grey world. It's why his story has been just as compelling as Liv's from the start.

Major is a soldier. Consider his actions the same way you would any policeman, soldier or other peacekeeper opening fire on armed civillians to protect unarmed ones.
That said it's not as if he's the kind of person that's not going to haunt, as is the case with almost anyone.

The tubes could've been emergency rations or there for their mother. Got the impression them eating a full human brain would be considered more rebellious teens smoking dope under the Filmore Graves regime.

Do hope they had the foresight to film a brief Simms regeneration scene so they can slot it in with whatever/whoever they decide to go with at some later point.

Tenth Planet was set in a snowscape, but was the Doctor wearing the cap and scarf at that point? It looks like something he wore in his first appearance so maybe it's earlier and just somewhere else snowy, which would be great if they include Susan.

That would have been covered by the hope and reward part so it's probably why they didn't.