(not verbatim) "Okay, I can guess this Arrowhead guy has a head shaped like an arrow and when he opens his mouth it's full of arrows that shoot out and turn you into an arrow."
"No, that's Archeron."
(not verbatim) "Okay, I can guess this Arrowhead guy has a head shaped like an arrow and when he opens his mouth it's full of arrows that shoot out and turn you into an arrow."
"No, that's Archeron."
The best part of the show this week were Mark Hamill's E2 Trickster versus Shipp's Flash. Old school! I loved it.
Doesn't Iris dying count as fallen?
The most irritating thing about the show is things between Zackariah and Dirk could have been cleared up if he'd stopped to listen to them a minute longer, which you would think somebody used to time travel would do. It made it look like it was purely there to stretch out the plot.
Ditto the nth episode where Todd…
Thanks for the review, but can't really agree with the part about Headbutt Man; Zorn is having to accept being a grown up and HBM's entire life has been an open cry for help. HBM hasn't chosen a different way to ease his pain from Zorn, he finally got help for a disease that was going to kill him (apart from all the…
That can still happen too. Think if it happens it's mainly because they want some kind of oomph behind any 'yes I am the prince' reveal. There is absolutely nothing standing between Kara & Mon at the moment apart from them both being massive dorks. This is the CW so they'll be throwing in some sort of obstacle other…
I was just thinking about the brief scene of the alien woman saying "Find me Mon-El".
Both those reasons are understandable for the filming of the show, but the *writing* of the show is what let it down.
As I said if Ollie had asked Kara to stay back as a trump move for later it would have made sense, but sidelining her so they could have a "Well Kara, I guess flying, super-strong,invulnerable &…
the Time-Dementors don't seem to be a thing anymore.
The Legends would, they wipe out minions and unnamed characters like tissue paper. Their kill-count is at least in the thousands by now.
Yeah, in the season 1 finale he disposed Savage's meteors the same way.
Does her grand-daughter even exist now? According to Obsidian she disappeared in the 40s and hasn't been seen since.
Ollie immediately sidelining Supergirl raises serious questions about his ability as a tactician and why on earth he would be asked to lead anything. If it had been written asking her to hold back as a hidden ace that would work, but asking his biggest gun not to participate just because he, personally, got all…
Which doesn't BEGIN to cover the ancient Egytian Hawk People, or the 1940s superteam that they apparently came to Earth to investigate in the first place..
Steel needs a shirt, when he's non-metallic that breastplate must really be chafing the nips.
Can see this view but putting it down to the fact that they want it visible that Sarah is LGBT and because of the episodic time-hopping nature of the show it's difficult to establish a supporting cast and growing a romance organically.
It's clumsy as hell, (clumsy being almost a byword for characterization in these…
What about Diggle? "So what's your thing?"
"I shoot people."
"Oh, like with a flame-thrower gun or super-freeze ray like Mick and Snart?"
"A regular gun. It shoots bullets."
"Well… that's nice."
They hand-waved it at the end of Arrow by saying the Waverider can replicate all their old costumes and equipment in their insta-costumer.
With the mine full of white dwarf material they found in the Jonah Hex episode there's now an easy supply of it to power the suit as well.
She really doesn't. She's a 1940s war hero tracking down her lover's murderer and thinks the rest of them are barely competant (she has a point).
The show doesn't really like to think through how different her '40s attitude would make her so it's probably for the best they go with restraint so far.
Contains Pauly Shore.