As Thea in Flash was all "Alien invasion? Count me in!" excited for this it's a pity they didn't at least make some reference to it being completely different and more wrenching than she expected, but whatevs.
As Thea in Flash was all "Alien invasion? Count me in!" excited for this it's a pity they didn't at least make some reference to it being completely different and more wrenching than she expected, but whatevs.
Not a fan of the show and only watching for the crossover, so the segue from Flash's mind-control plot to this mind-control plot felt kind of weak. It was what it was for the regular fans I guess.
isn't Merlyn signed on for the time-travelling Legion of Doom?
Yeah, this is exactly why I don't really like these CW shows; there's the feeling that they would drop all the special effects, scifi plots and costumes in a red hot second if they could turn into a pure soap.
Doesn't the whole dream sequence thing and best-of-clip flashes they had throughout cover this?
Just me or does anyone think there was something about Coulson's last second escape from the hell-dimension?
As it looked like he didn't make it for a second before he miraculously came back over the line? And then the look he was giving Daisy? Daisy also seemed to be really off-put about it as well.
Richard, Chelsea and Father Doug got the most screentime but the relationships between Yvonne and her sister and Ennis and his son were accomplished with very few lines and yet they felt solid, like these characters have complete lives outside of the few moments we see them. That's quality stuff from everyone…
I dunno, it was hard to beat the 'you're always talking about alien dong' exchange.
Yeah, complete fizz on the Supergirl part of this, it's barely even a next episode blurb.
There were two parts of the show that were great this week; the short sequence with Hannah and Dirk coming face to face being far more intriguing than any time travel device could hope to be.
Mangan was better, but that show was determined to leave out the supernatural weirdness and play it as a quirky detective show.
This show at least does embrace those elements.
Pretty solid ep, kinda fun and Danielle Panabaker in KF mode is definitely a highlight. Well, I prefer it to all the faffing about with guilting Barry over Flashpoint anyway.
Yeah, I wasn't sure about that myself. I thought she mentioned having dreams in an earlier episode but maybe it's just severe repression.
She and/ or the show has fixated on Alchemy giving them to her and I'm just taking it at face value. Think a reveal where she faces off with Alchemy & he says "But I had nothing to…
In this case it's the method. Alchemy gives people powers by overlaying their alternate-reality selves onto them.
While it's unrevealed why the Caitlin from E2 turned bad her powers were a result of the same explosion that gave Barry, Cisco & everyone else theirs. But in her world the death of Robbie and whatever other…
No need for Max now that they have a couple of REAL Luthors in the cast (though we're not seeing enough of Lena). It's a pity they didn't stick closer to the character from the original as the publicity agent angle was a lot more interesting then another genius inventor businessman
Even though the show is half hour it *feels* like I've watched a 40 minute one, which is great.
that's disappointing. It's also sad that J'onn isn't going with her so we can have a Martian Manhunter/Vixen/Steel/Vibe Justice League Detroit mini-reunion.
At least the monologue made clear that she wasn't so much sure about being gay as really, really liking Maggie and her confusion and resentment came as much from being turned down as making a blanket declaration on it by coming out openly.
They seem to have forgotten the Fortress has a 1 billion (or whatever ridiculous number) ton key that's needed to open it since last time they showed it.
I can just see Cisco shaking his head at that one.