There's stuff I'm liking a lot about this show, but this ep really played up the bits I'm not enjoying.
There's stuff I'm liking a lot about this show, but this ep really played up the bits I'm not enjoying.
Or her father?
Sometimes the show was trying too hard and the weirdness was just too contrived, like someone was trying to pour a Grant Morrison comic onto the screen rather than an Adams novel. Other times, like with the Holistic assassin, it struck the balance well.
Halfway through it felt like Wood was playing the same…
Can the show please not have them refer to themselves as the 'Legends' anymore? The Time Marauders or League of Increasingly Poor Decisions would be far more accurate as they leave a trail of death and destruction through yet another swathe of history.
At one point the teams Historian points out that their opponent is…
Plus she already feels connected to the other characters. She fights alongside them, spent last episode with Ray has her distrust of Mick thing, has Ninja sisterhood with Sarah & the JSA connection with Hank.
For most of season 1 Kendra never felt like she had personal relationships with most others, apart from Sarah &…
Considering Zoom has spent half his on-screen time complaining that Barry broke time so he can't get back home (and sending not-Dementors after them) you'd think that he'd have a slight problem with doing it himself.
Because afterward they'd met Reverse-Flash time-travelled back and gave Kruger the super-nazi formula which gave him the power to kill them.
…yeah, it makes absolutely no sense.
The show barely makes any sense at it's best and the forced character conflict is tiring but there were some cool moments in the JSA fight scene.
This wasn't the zippiest of Flash episodes, but it was perfectly servicable and very watchable with no major duff moves.
The main problem with the show continues to be Zorn. Because there's a limit on how integrated he is visually the end result is Suidekis mostly bombastically monologuing and unfortunately very little of his material is that original or that funny.
yeah, think he's over having any unexpected growth spurts.
Two episodes in the show has smoothed over a lot of the problems from season 1 and the show has nowhere near the logic problems of LoT but how come everything goes off the rails whenever they try to write for Alex? First off she's throwing a tanty at Kara for loving her only living relative, then she's upset that her…
Yeah, the Comet stuff might get a little weird though…
I was a little more worried at the two of them skipping away leaving a gun just lying there on the street.
In one of the comic versions his power stems FROM being a Golem. A rag one.
The Caitlin thing is odd. If Alchemy did for her what he did for Rival then he asked her if she wanted to get back a life where everyone she loved was murdered and she turns evil with bonus beer chilling power. Why would Caitlin even WANT that?
Mopey is right. Everything in this episode was about everybody being angry at each other or Barry for the flimsiest of reasons.
Rich Cisco was fun. Cisco who hates Barry because he won't change history to save Dante is not fun. Not quite-villainous Vibecould be fun, they do seem to have forgotten that part of his power…
The Man With The Kryptonite Nuts.
For the first time this show really worked on all levels, the characters seemed well-balance, the DEO stuff less weirdly forced and the action was comic-book great to watch (though Kara's welding and engineering skills leave a LOT to be desired).
Kat bowed out as a full-time presence in a believable and natural way.
Add about a billion ! after that.