tanuki g

First couple of episodes are awful; Any virtue of originality in the concept is flattened by unlikeable stock characters in grey clothes making stupid decisions.
The desaturated grey-green/ grey-red palette are so deadening after the first half hour you will believe you yourself are colour-blind, which is an

Later on during the Power Man & Iron Fist comic there's a Bushmaster, too.

Given the byzantine workings of Marvel's copyright structure; like threading a death-trapped Super-Villain headquarters blindfolded.

It's mostly that even though this show is new, the concept really isn't all that unique. With the talent on hand it could have really hit the ground running but retread sitcom storylines & the disconnect between Zorn and the rest of the cast have instead given it a ball and chain to overcome.

You make me wait 3 seasons for Kid Flash and then immediately yank him off the table? Minus a million points. If he doesn't re-up the speedforce within the next five episodes this is going to ache like a missing tooth & magnify any other flaws a thousandfold.

Can't say many of the comedy bits landed for me but this episode has shown the first hints of promise since the Death-Eagle jokes in the premiere. Playing up the weirder elements is good and the trick will be getting them to balance with the real life cast, who are all talented but at the moment are pretty hamstrung

They really tried to have it both ways, with Fitz/ Simmons talking about it being alien or higher technology. So at the moment it's like how the Asgardians are extra-dimensional aliens rather than gods and whatever the infinity gems are.

Really hope they don't go that route. Something like a failed attempt at recreating the Super Soldier Serum setting off his Inhuman DNA or something would be cool.

Yeah, the ghosts were chatting about 'the book' and named it.

Everything he said was professional and on point right up until he did that. I'm kinda hoping nobody trusts him because of something classified that happened in the past and now he's completely over it.

BTW odds that now we have demons and ghosts we're going to see an angry Grant Ward come back from hell?

Melinda May gets a free pass, seeing as she's got ghost-psychosis, but almost everyone else was weirdly unprofessional in this (Daisy isn't an agent anymore but if she was she should've been busted down to mucking-out after the Hulk's bathroom breaks).
I liked Jeffrey Mace and the Inhuman reveal was well done, but even

It's episode two and already this show needs a huge shake up. Whether it's something to bring the other characters further into the spotlight or bringing in more, weirder elements or elements from Zorn's world for them to interact with. By that I mean something that carries over as well, not a one-and-done plot device

Agree totally that Pebdani & Meadows were the acting highlights. The restraint and total acceptance of the premise is why they work
Cheryl Hines has a harder task of it and her wild-woman-turned-conservative mother is almost a trope on it's own now. Hopefully she can breath some life into the role but a lingering

It's a shame you're not covering it anymore. Just watched episode 6 and it's a pretty damn good wham episode. The political satire remains strong but the scifi elements are coming into their own as well.
Amazing that this show has turned into a must-watch for me.

Stacey also answered Laurel's question with "What government?" so they've already paralyzed the leadership against them and have now shut down the CDC, the first defence against infection and maybe finding a cure for space-bugs.
Not as showy as blowing up the White House, but it's looking to be pretty effective.

Now Fiore has a reason to give Angelic help to Jessie in rescuing Eugene from hell.

Far earlier in the series they introduced the idea that Annville was completely riddled with sinkholes from previous mining. It just seems inept that they ignored them in favour of a fart-reactor that had been shaded for only a brief scene before.
It also rendered the end very comicy in a silly Batman '66 kind of way,

I'm kinda sick of shows and films talking about better and more iconic ones as if it was somehow going to rub off on their quality. It's been a bad year for it.

Hamfisted & messy is right. But there's one thing the finale does that's unforgivable to me; there's no sense of consequence. The sometimes claustrophobic feel of a town ruled by Odin is completely dissipated in just a couple of exterior shots and the scenes of various characters dealing with their crises of faith