tanuki g

One very important thing came out of this weeks episode; now that Vanessa knows her troubles can again be tied back to the Two Brothers it will be natural to re-enlist the aid of Sir Lyle. Really, three episodes in a row without Sir Lyle is three too many.

That would make Victor an even bigger arsehole than we've thought.

We got advancement on Caliban and hints that draw him closer to a Frankenstein's Monster vs Dracula vs the Wolfman finale (and pleeeease Billy the Kid).
We still don't know how he died and given Drac's methods of getting information about Vanessa their confrontation could be a lot more personal than first glance.

"Tom Cruise has exploded." Well there's obviously a lot to love in this. Even if it's not perfect it's going to be worth watching to see how it pick ups it's own rhythym.

I found the sub-title font harder to read than just listening to what he said.

Yeah, he looked less a gunshot victim and more like someone had tried to fellate a mix-master.

She was the best thing in season 1.

Honestly I got the impression they sped through those sections because they didn't even want to try to have them make sense.

Y'know the Hawks were part of the JSA right? Don't count on seeing the last of them too soon.

Ms. Green managed to out stare her own effigy. That's talent.

There's probably going to be a sting in that when we find out what lead event Mr. Clare to Doctor Frankenstein's slab.

I am waiting for the episode Dr. Seward and Sir Lyle get to interact. That will be the best.

just a quick note on Mick having a deep-rooted crush on Snart: Calling someone your HERO does not really mean you want to mack on them and, though the two are not totally mutually exclusive, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. It'd be nice if people remember that on C 'all romance-going wrong, all the time' W.

Elias suspected something like that was happening after Samaritan came online. I think now the crew have filled him in. Probably moreso than Fusco because they've been trying to keep Fusco's life as minimally impacted by it as possible.

Wouldn't be surprised if Samaritan is actually trying to cure world hunger. He wants peace and order, well-fed people are far more likely to comply than hungry, desperate ones with little to lose.

I have to say that I saw the sting in this tale pretty early on, but the way the story was told was masterful.
Nothing happens outside of Shaw's personal space. There are a couple of scenes, such as at the diner, that look like they've broken the conceit and maybe this IS real, but there are reveals, like bugging Root

I thought he was trolling for cops to try and arrest him so he could zap them.

Good call on the editing. Often I get the impression the director asks for several takes per scene; angry/ confused/ cheery, and then throws them in a box and randomly assembles the show from whatever comes to hand first.

If you don't think that makes any sense you can't have been watching Legends of Tomorrow, which contradicts it's own premises at least twice every damned episode.

This episode was good because at least it had lots of action to move it along. Black Siren is more interesting than Laurel has ever been too me and Cisco & Caitlyn masquarading as their doubles was a pretty nice plot twist (I'd love to see Citizen Cold show up and be the only villain from Earth 2 NOT talking with