Don't worry. He still has 2 left. Maybe 3 if you count Thawne/ Reverse Flash. 4 if the iron mask man turns out to be Henry J. Garrick.
Don't worry. He still has 2 left. Maybe 3 if you count Thawne/ Reverse Flash. 4 if the iron mask man turns out to be Henry J. Garrick.
Thawne is still about, temporally speaking. Next season.
You also know that Shipp's Flash suit was moulded from his actual six-pack at the time. The bastard.
Things seem to be slowly setting up for a good old-fashioned throwdown between Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman. Is it too much to hope they pick up Billy the Kid on their American Sojourn?
After Hecate that is.
Was he really after a cookie though. Sir Malcolm has obviously been well aware of these things from his friendship with Sembene. His look could also have been interpreted as "I understand you have to keep your head down a little in your homeland, but I don't have to."
Spring Awakenings and his friends are all further on the way to becoming vampires, but I don't think most of them are as they look nothing like the full vamps from season 1.
It's not a revenge plot, it's a romantic triangle between Vanessa who is fated to choose between Dracula and Lucifer. Which would make the best screwball romantic comedy ever.
And in the final episode she wakes up in a farmhouse in Kansas.
"But it wasn't a dream. And you and you and you…and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?
No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasn't very nice, but most of it was beautiful… But anyway, Josh Hartneto,…
Waking up on his slab might have been a big hint. She then spent half a season with Victor so she's scoped him out pretty well by now.
We've also had some detail on his hatred of his father, how he holds him responsible, and the racism he suffered for being mixed race even while back in India. There was a comment about his mother being rendered literally untouchable so there's probably caste involved.
Basically Jeckyll has issues.
And who has to clean it up? That's what I want to know. Nobody thinks of the poor cleaning women do they.
Anyone else who would have killed to see reclusive computer scientist Elroy Patashnik guest star at least once on the show?
Samaritan knows it but can't confirm it, a mental-blindspot. I think part of it is because of the routers the Machine placed in the heart of Samaritan itself.
The Machine was shown working overseas before; helping the three hackers & when John took a flight to Europe offhand, but sure there have been more.
It was hard to split the difference on these episodes. SNAFU is easily an A, with Harold, Root and the Machine's interactions the heart of it. The part where Finch realizes a scared Machine has designated them threats using their own actions. It's not often that John gets played nearly for comedy, but Caveizel's…
Also I'm confused; are their earlier selves still removed completely from the time stream? Doesn't that mean that no one remembers anything they did anyway? How can you control what they do when they don't technically exist? It's not that it's ill-thought out (which it is) but that it's a plot-thread they just seem to…
If they had an episode where they just concentrated on them (or indeed any of the characters) then they could do it. But the show's set up of A, B, C, D etc etc plot strings in every episode makes this pretty much impossible to pull off.
he's a mechanic who has been working on a practical time machine for a while. He's picked it up.
This ep was back to fast-moving, kinda fun dumbness instead of the mess most of the season has been.