tanuki g

Pretty disappointed to find out that GA 2046 wasn't Connor Hawke, Oliver's son but Diggles.
Took it to mean that he was saying he was Ollie's successor and took the name of his DECEASED SON.
Dunno, can't watch Arrow, but betting that's who's in the grave anyway.

Ok episode even with the usual lazy writing. But one thing that really struck me this time with the back-drop of dinge & trash-fires, was how freaking *dull* these costumes are. Even just a couple of degrees brighter, so they stand out against the background would be better.

There was nothing in this episode that didn't work for me; the case-of-the-week was played just light enough, the plot was just intricate enough, the guest stars were integrated well enough that it didn't feel like they were putting together a highlights show-reel and the dialogue zingy without being overwhelming and

Maybe they were an artisanal realtor.

Not to mention sending the lingerie pics knowing full well it was Liv not Major on the other end. That crap would burn the positivity-brains out of anyone.

Rahul Kohli & Jennifer Lawrence romcom: MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Though I'm betting there's already slash-fic on the web now.

*King Shark suddenly appears at Barry's house*

I think you're under-estimating the capability of an American to be ignorant of their own country.

Fine, but he was being guarded by people who know he's bulletproof. They stll had guns. You'd think they'd at least spring for armour piercing ammo or something that *might* stop them getting bitten in half.

Because for every cool moment there is an equally dumb one.

Score for getting Trombus! (I have that comic)

"Also you really need to change your diet. Like, seriously."

The writing on this show is a mess. From the instant intimate questions and bitchiness of the new character to the mythology things just happen randomly to move the plot from A to B.
Should the show even be engaging with new characters when it can barely give space to the ones it has? It's been a couple of episodes

yeah, this isn't Flash.

The lead delivers everyline like he's some kind of Benny Hill-esque sex muppet, but that's the only thing vaguely good about it.

That's what happened in Flash. It was like he'd built a F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. (yeh, remember it's an acrostic? These writers…) engine but had no spark plugs to make it work. The particle accellerator explosion rewriting the laws of physics ( yeh, that happened. Wonder if they'll ever deal with the fact Stein's knowledge

It's not really about him being black, but being Connor. Who was popular.

Wait, so Sara had already been there? Obviously Sara never noticed a nuclear meltdown had occurred there. So they needed the Russian guy because…?

you have no idea how much I was hoping we'd see her. I did wonder if the scene where she and Stein talk about merging was meant to be a shout-out to Rebus (even though Valentina was not part of hir) or just a bit of meta-commentary about the characters/ actors sexualities. They seemed to be heavily implying this

I'm not talking about Savage. I'm talking about all the guards and flunkies and gulag prisoners who may have gone on to do something important or produce children who do.
They've established that this is the kind of universe where stepping on butterflies CAN cause huge problems down the line so a little consistancy