When Yuri was fighting Rip who else was thinking of this https://vimeo.com/118584424 and laughing at the towels staying on?
When Yuri was fighting Rip who else was thinking of this https://vimeo.com/118584424 and laughing at the towels staying on?
One other point, if time is so fragile that the team have almost destroyed the timeline on at least three seperate occasions now MAYBE THEY SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL ABOUT WHO THEY DO AND DO NOT KILL. Legends is different from Heroes, but the trans-temporal trail of corpses they're leaving behind is unpleasant.
C+ is a fair grade for this. The action was fun to watch but AGAIN everybody seemed to reverse their personalities to serve the plot. Which was mostly nonsensical.
With the security at STAR labs been what it is I'm surprised half the cast haven't been murdered by villains already.
But a secret identity is not 'cheap cliche', modern super hero cinema & tv seems stupid when a character tells everyone in earshot who they are and the civilians in their life AREN'T constantly…
Could someone jog my memory please, when they were investigating Big Fish's undercover agent status did Clive say Agent Bozzio said she had heard an agent disappeared a couple of months before or that she hadn't but she'd ask around?
He's a rebound guy for Liv, and they do just sort of happen.
Earned isn't really applicable as Liv doesn't have that large a dating pool to pick from and she hasn't really been looking at his past too hard until now. It's a hook-up spurred on by horny librarian brain.
This messiness is a lot more real life and that's…
Listen to South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut's 'La Resistance' instead.
Big Fish was working for Mr. Boss which is why he was involved in the first killings. The killing BF witnessed was of one of his fellow henchmen. The hitman killed him so he couldn't report back to Boss.
Seeing as how Blaine brought Drake to her she knew there was a connection but it wasn't presented as a friendship, only that Drake knew where the utopium was buried. She also knew that he was getting his meals from Shady Plots, but so are most of the zombies in the city, it's really the only reason she's never moved…
the second Blaine opens his present I went 'Holy Shit' and they kept that energy up the entire episode.
Blaine and Major. Who'd have thunk they'd become allies and it would work?
Drake is in that spot where we don't know what his true nature is just as Lyle was in season 1. He's lying but how much and to who?
Not a musical i cared for but gave a couple of versions a listen and the movie version does sound less stagey. I think the scene works because it is on the verge of being cheesey but the orchestral, better sung and more mannered orignal version may have pushed it well over the line.
Didn't note it before, but Barry needing an inspirational speech was pretty annoying. After he gets his umpteenth beatdown from Zoom he smiles and says he's figured a way out. Then he can't do anything until he get's the speech from his doppleganger.
It's like the scenes were written in ignorance of each other.
You forget King Shark suddenly appearing in the middle of STAR labs with nobody having noticed him enter the building unobstructed.
Zolomon gives them a way to include Sears in next season, if not as Jay.
Last ep Barry threw in a line about not leaving E2 to die.
This episode was a hell of a lot more fun than last week, but does the writing really need to be so contrived and, at many times, just plain dumb?
All of the current DC shows have great actors and the worst writing.
And does Snart's promise to Barry Allen to lay off the killing only apply to Central City 2015-16? Not exactly a choerent piece of characterization.
As an adventure this is a fun show to watch, but when it comes to it builfding character it pretty much fails. Everything seems to be going backwards, conflicts that were shown andearlier resolved have now doubled down to yelling and resentment; Jackson and the Professor, Ray and Snart, Rip and the team.
Last week…
The reviewer makes a great point; the show is written for feel but because of that it feels utterly hollow. It's like hearing your favourite songs played on a cat-keyboard, the notes are sort of there but it sounds nothing like real music.
Most of the dialogue was on the verge of baffling tonight. "If you're her sister…