)Ah, yes. I forgot that ancient Egypt fell because it was wiped out my meteorites.
)Ah, yes. I forgot that ancient Egypt fell because it was wiped out my meteorites.
It didn't sound like there was any sound effect added for it so I was confused.
Oh yeah, first thing I thought was 'you've created faster zombies and you don't see the problem'. It was kinda funny.
Ego, something she shares with her father in ridiculous amounts. First Major slighted her by dropping their whatever-it-was, now Liv compounds it by mentioning Major referring to her as kinda desperate.
Damn straight Andrew would be a fridging.
That's pretty much why the trope doesn't there. If the brother had shown up for an episode and the only real reason they were there is to be killed so she'd be sad and vengeancy, then yes, it would.
That was another great bit; when Ravi said something to him, in I guess it's Dothraki.
"What did you say to him?"
"He knows."
Ravi on O faces, gleefully finding Clive's GRRM button and perking up when he learns about 'badge bunnies' were all perfect. His performance provides the show with the balance it needed for when things got heavier.
It was nice learning about Clive, but it would have been nicer to spend more time with him. Hope we…
She's not complaining about living, but the loss of a chance at a normal life both Kryptonians and Humans have was lost to her. The former are dead, the latter take it for granted.
She's a refugee. I'm surprised the younger Kara didn't have massive problems with that and survivor's guilt. Especially as the duty…
Yes, friends/ older brother figure.
I liked the scene where Kara realizes it's not Jimmy she really has feelings for, but a desire for the type of relationship he has with Lucy. I hope they stay with that.
He really needs that pencil moustache all the 60s villains wore in the comics.
Trying to kill Dean Munsch was great. I expected her to make a reveal on a Tibetian Lama lover teaching her how to drink poison & stop her heart at any time. Probably not the first time her students have tried to murder her.
We left the end of last show with 11 surviving suspects and we end this one with… 11. Daaamn. I'm getting blue, I dunno, mortuary slab or something.
Major arbitrary contrivances to get everyone together, but the result was such fun that it doesn't matter too much. The series has learnt from earlier LoT tie-ins and been careful not to over-stuff the episode so it flowed well.
The same Eobard Thawne who (in the comics) turned out to be a descendant of Barry's long-lost evil twin?
Shayera adopted the Hawkwoman name but Kendra in the comics and JLU fought under the Hawkgirl name. Maybe later in the LoT they'll change it.
Not the funniest but continuously solid work from a smartly written show. I think the thing that let this weeks show down was in the end it sidesteps the whole issue of Rebecca having some very real damage from a fairly monstrous parent, putting it in a kind of parallel with Greg's epiphany of needing to get over…
Okay. I don't rememberthe skull being in the teleporter room. But if that room doesn't reset the place should still be neck-deep in Doctor cremains.
Great work from Capaldi but it wasn't that coherent a story.
If everything resets how was he able to leave clues at all? It cleans up his blood stains so there's no reason his ashes should be any different. In fact if everything keeps repeating how did the skulls end up in the ocean in the first place? If any of his…