tanuki g

Screw them, where the hell's Ando?

he only absorbs one power at a time, permanently (other wise Claire should've started healing the second he was outta that womb, but let's not focus on the obvious).
They know this because he has done it precisely once, unconsciously, as a newborn baby.

There is a logical explanation for this; the Quentin there is a shape-shifter sent by Erica but the Quentin Noah meets at the start of the series, after his memories have been removed is the original one.
Which explains nothing about why he assumes he knows Noah then, or why the future one never mentioned confronting

It does kind of annoy me that they had a body-count like this and the end of the show is 'and then everyone forgets anything ever happened'.

Was it supposed to be a joke when we get to a flashback of whatever clever way Kate survived and it shows her just shooting them?

So the show decides to prove it's not dumb by showing you just how much it's set up things to come. The only problem is it's just so lifeless.

You understand that Ravi as a Brit and foreigner is just one of millions of people who neither no nor care who they are? I've never heard of any of them, it's still a full life.

least CW CW show i ever watched. That's a plus to me.

It could be that Liv is deliberately opening herself up to the effects to help with solving the murders, so she becomes obviously more affected, while Lowell was far more in denial over it and possibly repressed it as much as possible.

Gilda on a zombie: "It's like watching my mother try and fold a map." One highlight of this show is always the dialogue.

I really disagree with the show score for once. The show has up till this point been completely full of 'look at me' histrionics, but this was the first time it felt comfortable in it's own skin and was all the better for it.

Still, Hulk, Loki, Mr. Hyde & the fact they are an organization that is deals with weird meta-human shit this should not have a surprised them even a tenth as much by now.

Seeing as Atlantis is aparrently unsunken there maybe just Perkins.

Yep, and we generally design helmets for soldiers that serve as protection, I don't care how art deco-crazy E2 is.

Bobbi's return to the field and Fitz were the best things in the episode. Nice to see Daisy also occasionally remember she's a super-hacker.

Even just throwing things at her from different directions at once.

It'd be nice if Barry did start developing his powers instead of being told what to do by somebody each time they need a 'because plot'.

Much better episode than last week. I was relieved to see the Hawkgirl storyline wasn't going to be stuffed into another already full episode.

The whole starting sequence leading up to the 'Sex With Strangers' number was hilarious. Heather becoming more of a comedy foil on the show looks like it's going to work out well. And then… it got heart warming. My heart was warmed.
This episode did a really good job of giving depth to both Josh and Greg as well,

why would you think that a shapechanger duplicated everything to that level of detail? And if he did, why would he put a whole bunch of vulnerable nerves on what are essentially ornamental flesh-sacs and a known human weak-spot? He's a giant chlorine-based bug.