tanuki g

It's not so much the feminism, it's just the way the show has this whole approach of 'you're just a Super-GIRL' to ram the point home.
Adding to that of the three non-lead women on the show her sister has been gaslighting her for much of their lives while doing nothing to actually help prepare her, her boss while

Hellgrammite and Vartok both have interesting history in the comics, the show just chose to do really generic things with them.

Most of the leads are fine but the problem the show has is with the clunky expositionary dialogue and set ups. Whenever it comes to a plot reveal either Kara relates something important from her Kryptonian childhood or the DEO has a relevant info-dump, whichever is convenient.
Lucky the bad guy turns out to be a long

Yeah, except we see the two severed arms become more Harris (Harrises? Harrisi?) and at least one of them shows he has a bomb vest.

This was AWESOME!
From the black humour of exactly what brought the Deadites back (Ash, you dick) and seeming to have a plan of 'testing his mettle' we're getting everything we want.

I've gotta admit it, this episode of Heroes Reborn was not stupid. But then it also wasn't nearly as smart as it thinks it is. The show took so long to get here and has been so coy on things that most of the major plot reveals are robbed of their impact, especially as plot points like the future-babies have already

Mine is that Angela-from-the-future has faked Claire's death because she obviously knows all the details of the day thanks to living a 14 year loop.

Hey, it worked for Phantom Menace.
Oh wait, no it didn't.

A nice point I almost missed was the FBI are investigating the disappearance of the astronaut brain-hunted by Blaine, some people that we've seen Major take out and the guy who was murdered-by-zombie by the Max Rager head honcho. It reminds us that seen from the outside that is just an awful lot of murders and the FBI

Seeing this episode was set in the world of country music I was expecting something exaggerated and melodramatic but the show totally undercut this by toning down most of the show's out-there elements and concentrating on the human drama. And it was fantastic.
When Liv gave the 'I've got to set you free' speech it was

yeah, first thing that made me think was just call it 'Flying Dr. Stein' now.

In the relatively recent DC abomination Identity Crisis Barry did just that, with magical help from Zatanna, so yeh.

that look he gave Caitlin while saying "I'll always remember you" suggested he had some really intimate memories left over from sharing a head with Ronnie.

This episode brought most of the things I hate about CW shows to the fore. It was pretty overstuffed and people acted entirely out of character just to keep a plot that held no surprises rolling.
Barry's leaden, cliche-ridden voiceover did little to help the episode at any point.

It was a horribly written line. something like "You're an athlete, remember your abilities" would have been sounded more approaching normal speech.

"it's 4 hours from the beach. Some people say 2 hours but those people are stupid." The implication being that Josh is in fact really stupid and in no way someone you should be changing your life for.

Where the show proved itself smart this episode was Rachel's complete mess of conflicting emotions and motivations towards Valencia. She wants to be close to her because Josh, of course, but she also sees her as having the qualities she really wishes she had and there's even a genuine desire to have a friend there.

Agreed. Why re-imagining him as a generic bad guy with an axe is beyond me. He's the kind of character who could have been done in a fun way (sexist Bruce Campbell-ish ham mode) later when the characters are better established.

This was awful. Another tedious lecture about the Doctor leaving and immortality is bad. It delivered nothing new on either front.
The highway man character spending the inordinate amount of time making jokes about his dick was a baffling inclusion.

Haven't commented on the new series before as I haven't been able to come up the word that describes it for me. Tonight I did… it's *grinding*.
Stuff happens. Characters meet and interact inexplicably becuase plot. The show constantly references comcs and gaming as if the concepts were related to them by a pod-person.