tanuki g

This was a far, far better episode than the last two. There was room for the story and the characters to breath and it worked, particularly for Cisco who was got the most enjoyable character moments of the episode.

You'd think they'd have, or be able to rig up, a Faraday cage somewhere on the premises.
You'd also think they'd either figure out an on/ off switch or at least an alarm on the interdimensional door directly under STAR labs, but that's just not the way they roll in the CWverse.

Laziness. Good description. From generic conspiracy nerd, generic teen angst (the adoption 'you lied to me' trope felt genuinely insulting) and characters that wittered on about destiny rather than saying absolutely anything at all useful.
The only way to describe the show was lazy.

(2/5) More like the Science Penalty in these two episodes.
(6) They threw in he was studying heavy water & radiation so eh. You'd think they'd hand-wave in 'and then some weird lightning bolt hit me' as they keep going on about the speed-force.
(9) Joan Garrick (nee Williams) is one of my favourite supporting cast

I think they're mashing up Zoom with Wells and the Black Flash. I won't be surprised if they refer to him as 'your Rival' occasionally.

"Hi I'm Jay Garrick, the Flash from another Earth and I'm freely coming to see you… oh, hey. You're locking me in a featureless cell. So I guess that's cool."

"I'd better remind everyone I am actually in this episode."

Damned super-heroes. Coming to our city, stealing our jobs & ruining the economy.

One small thing I'd like to see done on the show is explain why the Flash logo is everywhere. It'd make sense to just say Wells had it licensed last season with the profits going to benefit STAR labs.

The problem with Flash is it's not just his supporting cast that know; every second villain seems to find out about it as well.

Thank goodness the lost secret room under the castle had easy helicopter access.

This was mostlya silly episode, though giving it a pass on any temporal reboot shenanigans as Zoom is apparently still around.
It groaned under the weight of CW-style guilt; "If only I'd left town when Ronnie wanted me to he'd still be alive" No Caitlyn, he'd be dead. You'd be dead & the entire world would be dead

oh that's *much* better.

Thanks there for spoilering a completely different show I hadn't caught up with yet. Classy move.

The tension just ratchets up on all sides in this episode and our team walk straight into the lair of the witches. But the real theme of this episodes is that secrets, much like many members of the cast, just won't stay buried and the acceptance of being a monster.

Don't be too sure of that. And if it has then stabbing him a few times and burying him out on the more isn't really going to have too much affect.
I would not be surprised if he comes back and the Dear Inspector finds a convenient peg on which to hang his growing list of murders.

Haven't made up my mind about this one. It's definitely slickly made but can't say I laughed once ('That wasn't a sexual fantasy, that was my life story' came closest). All the humour seems based on these characters being reprobates and degenerates and yet that's so common to tv now and they weren't *outstanding*

But we also know that Sir Malcolm was having an affair with Vanessa's mother at one point. It could have gone on for much longer than we've been shown so far.

That's what I've been thinking about Angelique from lines like "I'm a Holy terror in the morning".

Everyone acted the hell out of this episode bringing almost every character into a 3-d relief other shows never manage.