tanuki g

Full points to both Donny and Felix stepping up this season from bystanders pulled into things to characters capable of driving the action themselves. Hope to see more of that.

This show is like a cross between iZombie crossed with Scorpion, but way closer to the latter's ridiculousness and then-stuff-happens plot.
The lead character is another super-genius with an obscure mental disorder and probably the dumbest and most annoying one yet. She's surrounded by a team of generic science nerds

This episode doesn't seem very interested in carrying anything from the Ball From Hell further but rather sets some of the characters deeper into the dark tracks of their own making.

As next-to-last episodes go this was definitely on the overstuffed side.

There's time over the break, but her mother probably won't be listening then.
The way this show moves by next season's start she may even have relented and Evan has taken over the now-empty flatmate's room

The committing himself was dealt with a couple of episodes ago. Ravi was outraged and argued exactly that they shouldn't. Liv countered with the equally reasonable argument that Major would act directly in a situation they didn't know how to handle (Liv knew Blaine had friends in high places but not who or how many,

It's not that she doesn't care, it's that Major had very recently given her a severe schooling on her selfishness and the consequences of making choices for him.
She wasn't eager to make the same mistake twice and Evan had even less idea than Major of zombies and all that that entails.
Earlier in the episode she

Yes but he's not the protagonist. The strength to Major's storyline is he's the guy who WOULD be the hero of a zombie survival/ conspiracy story but here it's told off-centre in a much lighter procedural show and THAT'S what makes it interesting.

I was wondering about the milkshake, but thought it unlikely. While people at the scene may have recalled a rather memorable redhead in a green dress talking to a guy who died very soon after, they definitely would have remembered one that bought him a poisoned milkshake.

This show has been the unexpected joy of the season with great performances, clever writing and intelligent plotting.

I'll wait for the bad lip reading version.

The big frustration for me this episode was Sir Murray. Everybody notices he's not himself yet no one connects that to the fact they're under magical attack by witches or takes any precautionary steps. It's an idiot ball moment for the whole crew.

I still think it strange that Angelique bears a resemblance to Vanessa and appears in a way guaranteed to capture Dorian's attention. Not ruling out any ties to the coven yet.

Wow. Not that this wasn't good but it was really hard to watch. It was the return of the group as awful, awful people without a shred of empathy or awareness for the people around them.

One interesting side note is how important the Easter Eggs are.
As Barry's running through time we see not just Killer Frost (yay!) but an exterior of the Flash Museum and Barry Allen sitting in prison.

To be fair Thawne did travel back from the around the year 2190 and (if they keep to the comics origin) was Director of the Flash Museum* so it was probably public fact by then.

Possibly he was trusting that Future-Barry was going to take care of him.

She does work in a particle accelerator so it'd be likely she also has a background in other studies.

Dammit this is a headscratcher. Everyone talks about changing the timeline, Barry decides not to and then it happens anyway in a completely different manner.
Seeing how fast Reverse Flash was wiped out by the change shouldn't Barry's powers have immediately disappeared as well?

The last few episodes have been lower-key and less farce than many, but come across as smarter and give the characters some welcome space from schtick.
Most of the characters apart from Jeff and the Dean don't get that much to do but they're recognizably themselves and everyone gets at least one good line.