tanuki g

Of course now if the bar-tender has half a clue she can put a face to the Flash but what does that matter at this point.

Full points to the show for finally dealing with the implications of a private prison but yeah, Barry was pretty dumb for this episode.

CW characters don't pee.

After Wells pointing out that history won't miss Eddie last episode I'm pretty sure you're right. But I was thinking the identity-theft device that left the original Wells as a mummy corpse more than anything else.

This was a great episode. The show seemed pretty inconsequential when I watched the first episode, but it's really grown.
Lowell in only a few episodes managed to be really sympathetic, his relationship with Liv and his 'we eat people' epiphany really well handled.
Blaine is becoming a credible threat and Major's

Is it just me or is Brita getting a lot more openly stoned this season?

After 2 Jeff-gets-jealous-of-something episodes in a row this episode was something of a relief. The characters were toned down and it grounded some great dialogue and character work.
Some of Frankie & Elroy's lines could have been said by Jeff but over time he's tilted as much toward cartoony as anyone of the original

"Wait, your friend who disappeared on a boat and never came back and your other friend who masturbated himself to death are things you bounced back from?"

It looked like he'd been shot through the neck, which is survivable if Fusco acts fast. Dominic… not so much, which is a pity.

A very CW episode where everyone has emotional issues over things that really shouldn't be a problem, but nowhere near Smallville bad.
And there is a giant-telepathic gorilla so points for that.

Just when I thought the series was getting better this clunker comes up. Awful.
Not warmed to Chas over the series so the back-story was nice, but everything set in the present day just missed the mark.
Stuff happens because it happens. People emote & exposit grimly at each other. Very little of what anybody does

Yeah the kill of the week did drag the show down to somewhat pedestrian levels.
The thing that has consistently impressed me on this show is a sense of threat though Ravi being bitten feels both inevitable and maybe a step too far. We'll see how this shakes out.
On the other hand Major's arc really does make you feel

This is a pretty strong episode. It may seem simple but it's a relief from some of the dumb story notes the show has been hitting until now & gives the actors room to breathe.