Bad Spellar

Good catch on how to get Aunt Edie if no one can drive. Also, high school football is 10 games. Probably 8 have been played by Halloween. Missing the last two games with a broken foot wouldn't cost you a scholarship.

Seriously, this is a brilliant observation.

Seriously, this is a brilliant observation.

It means they are going into a black hole. Duh!

It means they are going into a black hole. Duh!

Farmer John doesn't use enough lube.

Farmer John doesn't use enough lube.

Being a traitor is different from being convicted of treason. Just like murderers and child molesters, one can easily beat a conviction on a mere technicality. That doesn’t change the fact that a traitor is a fucking traitor to the bone.

Being a traitor is different from being convicted of treason. Just like murderers and child molesters, one can easily beat a conviction on a mere technicality. That doesn’t change the fact that a traitor is a fucking traitor to the bone.

The funniest think about Jay being a benchwamer is that in real life Ed O'Neil signed with the Steelers (in '69), but was cut in training camp (according to Wiki).

In high school I watched the "Faces of Death" vidoes. One of them had two yuppie-ish couples eating monkey brains somewhere in Asia (I think). The table (with a small hole in the center) was pulled apart (as if to put a leaf in it) and then closed back up after a monkey was put in leaving only his head exposed.

From your friend's write up he mentions this part of the mythology:

Now a critique of the review… Todd, you're missing the forest for the trees. Address the big themes, not just the minutia of details.

Todd, to get the À in MS Word hold the CNTL key then press ` (upper left corner under escape with tilda ~), then continue holding CNTL and press shift A. then release shift and CNTL.

"That’s fine as far as it goes, but I have an aversion to stories which treat characters like props, and that’s essentially all poor Leila is here." — Zach

I'm terribly confused: Brandon writes. "That said, I don’t see the formal unity of last week’s OUTING [emphasis added]."

That would be what we call a "government"And where did you study political science? Rousea defined government as the voluntary association of individuals who, again, voluntarily, relinquish freedoms in order to secure rights. (Not needs).

… so some rich guy held a gun to your head and forced you to type that?

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or if you really believe this. The absolute lotes rate one can get to is 15% if they establish a trust in a no income tax state and then recieve 100% capital gains. But you need to be making $50 million to make this worth while. People who earn $250k to $2 million pay 7% - 9%

Incremental revolution is an oxymoron