Bad Spellar


It wasn't stiking down DOMA, dubmass, it was SCOTUS rejecting the appeal of the supporters of Prop 8 in CA that the state had a duty to defend the law after the proposition won on the ballot.

My oldest started college this fall. This episode and last season's graduation episode have perfectly— and I really fucking mean perfect… perfectly captured my wife's relationship our son. (She's been calling him Axl for years.)

Bullshit! Casting Streisand's husband to play President Reagan was stupid, but not half as stupid as casting American traitor, Jane Fonda, to play Nancy Reagan in The Butler. She cost the film tens of millions of dollars.

Shooting a man in the back doesn't count as "kicking his ass".

"but rather because they stopped watching the show before it could transform itself into a show about people instead of a show about prison"

Is Travon going to be a rapist-cop so Ice-T can sing Cop Killer?

I recently had a job opportunity where the first person I talked to said I could live in either Houston or L.A. During a later interview the person who would eventually supervise this position said he wanted the person to live in L.A. I told him that was a deal breaker.

The secret twist is an alien invasion.

Double D is great fun. They're not actors and don't pretend to be, just genuinely likable people.

Damon has been completely unwatchable for me for at least a decade. I have zero interest in seeing this as well.

Because you define "crazy" as everybody but you?

Graduates in PHYSICS, you dumb ass. Not English and queer studies.

Great episode. The best highlight is Brad proving once and for all that the Mazda Miata is the gayest car in the history of the universe.

Saw a trailer for The EAST and it looked interesting. However, I think they want the audience to "empathize" with eco-terrorists, not "emphasize" with them.

You forgot that one guy who plays the guy on the Whitney show about a fraternaty in the '80s

My God VanDerWerff is an insufferable prick. The only words he can think of to describe a show that makes fun of liberals are "strained" and "bizzare".

The first thing that came to my mind was Alec Baldwin calling his Daughter a little pig on her voice mail. But yeah, we all get really angry at time and say things we don't mean so not so surprising not to see it mentioned here.

The first thing that came to my mind was Alec Baldwin calling his Daughter a little pig on her voice mail. But yeah, we all get really angry at time and say things we don't mean so not so surprising not to see it mentioned here.

Good catch on how to get Aunt Edie if no one can drive. Also, high school football is 10 games. Probably 8 have been played by Halloween. Missing the last two games with a broken foot wouldn't cost you a scholarship.