Bad Spellar

That's a bullshit, victim fantasy and you know it. The first rule of politics is never believe your own bullshit.

No, they don't leach off the savings; they provide a servie. The ordinary guy can buy CDs at his bank. The people I'm talking about diversify equity, fixed income, and cash, but also provide a guaranteed income floor (that no CD can do).

No, Objectivism works about as well in the real world as Communism does. Communism gives a huge advantage to the lazy but influential/political and Objectivism give a huge advantage to the brilliant buy physicaly vulnerable. Both are preferrable to anarchy, but neither is as good as moderately regulated capitalism.

And what divine moral insight causes you to belive that 50% is what it's worth?

How would you like if it your "needs" were determined by the vote of a committe that like to demonized you for being a selfish asshole. I mean you waste your time spouting uninformed opions on a web-site, obviously you don't need a computer and if it were taken away you'd probably work harder. Why the committee has

I'd like to thank the three of you for proving my point about the entitlement mentality of the mob. The hypothetical guy (who doesn't exist) isn't worthy, in your estimation, because he "exploits" slave labor.

"their infernal demands to be treated with dignity and compassion."

I still say Todd doesn't understand the premise of the show. There is a natural human tendency to seek comfort and security. As people age, they tend to wax nostalgic for the better days gone by while they mistake familarity for comforty and security, Mike Baxter is one of these people. A story about bomb shelters is

When I read the AV, I'll usually open a dozen links that look interesting and start reading them. Invariably, one of them will send me into a rage and I'll start foaming at the mouth after half-a-dozen paragraphs. Then I'll say to myself, "Danm it! I'll bet this is Todd!" and I'll look at the top and sure enough,

On Troi and Worf…

Maybe I should change my screen name to Neo since, I'm the One.

You really surprised me. I was certain you'd grade this ep an A+ because he said he voted for Obama. Maybe if Tim had gone into a 20-minute rant on the glories of Obamacare you would have given this sitcom an A+

Let me see if I've got this striaght. Instead of Mike being a man, he should be a woman. And instead of working at Outdoor world, (s)he should work for the Obama adminstration. And instead of telling jokes, (s)he should drone on about depressing social injustice.
Is that how you'd fix this sitcom? Is that what would

One of the sitcoms conspicuously absent above is the Craig T. Nelson sitcom, Coach. In the manly universe of college football we learned the manly gems like, "Aaaw gees. When I grew up if a guy had a disability it just meant everyone knew his nickname." And when it comes to steak, "The redder, the better." And when

Seriously, Todd, I get the feeling that the Tim Allen character is about as real to you as Superman or Lex Luthor. How many of your friends have ever re-built a car engine or installed a lift kit in a truck? How about changed a tire? (Conflict from the pilot.) How many of your friends have ever hunted and killed an

If a good portion of America wants to see their family on TV they should watch COPS. Me, I want to laugh for the 30 - 60 minutes I get to relax each night. And call me goofy, I don't find a lot of humor in poverty.

[Mike] says the S-word is, instead, socialism, a joke that’s in a vacuum and doesn’t really give us a good sense of Mike beyond the idea that he knows political buzzwords (maybe that’s the point).

[Mike] says the S-word is, instead, socialism, a joke that’s in a vacuum and doesn’t really give us a good sense of Mike beyond the idea that he knows political buzzwords (maybe that’s the point).

Why the hell is a bed-wetting feminist like VanDerWerff reviewing a show about old-time masculinity? It makes no fucking sense. Take for instance his first two sentences:

Why the hell is a bed-wetting feminist like VanDerWerff reviewing a show about old-time masculinity? It makes no fucking sense. Take for instance his first two sentences: