three dancing matthews

The only good use of this I can think of is in Zodiac, where Sevigny starts out just as fascinated as Gyllenhaal, then gets slowly disillusioned. By the time she's dropping ultimatums, you realize that she's right and Gyllenhaal's gone off the deep end.

I genuinely, no joke, really enjoyed Pirate Master. I even watched episodes online after it got pulled off broadcast TV. What can I say- I'm an econ nerd and Pirate Master is game theory in action. The pirate trappings were silly, but the underlying premise was genius: the crew elects someone captain, the captain

I think it's just par for the course with Ryan Murphy- you're going to get awesome moments like Marie Laveau on her voodoo throne with her iPad, but you also have to choke down some gross moments like stylized witch burnings or an Emmett Till-ish lynching. Ryan Murphy thinks he's saying something deep and important

The system works! I watched the first few episodes because of Tom Lennon, but this show is dire. So, so hacky. Coincidentally, the last show I watched that was this awful was the one a few years ago with Dave Foley as the evil boss.

My understanding (from reading Tina Brown's book) is that Diana fed the paparazzi in the early years- strategically leaking things and cultivating them. She had her own hand in creating the media frenzy, which gives it an even more interesting angle. I can't vouch for how accurate this characterization is- this is

It seems like there could be an interesting movie about Diana- how an insecure woman in a terrible marriage used the paparazzi to help her feel loved but ultimately lost all control of her life due to constant media attention. But you'd need to break through a lot of the mawkish People's Princess canonization stuff

Nolan gets bored in relationships where no one is working on a long term con/revenge scheme/criminal masterwork. If he finds out that someone used their real name/backstory when they first met, he will dump them immediately. He is destined to be the trophy husband of a supervillain, living in a spectacularly curated

I am also older than dirt, apparently, and somehow still have facts like "first cover of George" lodged in my brain. I mostly remember George as the first thing that made me think "Hey, this Ann Coulter person is a little crazy."

I like your avatar/comment synergy, because as cheap/heartless/selfish as George could be, I like him a lot better than Stuart.

I think the writers genuinely don't get how unlikeable Stuart comes across. Or they don't understand that even if the premise of the show is "laugh AT (not with) deluded nerd with gross frat boy world view", we still need to like the main character and enjoy spending time with him. It can't be 100% pity and disgust.

It's true- it doesn't get enough praise. Maybe it suffers from coming a few years after The Sixth Sense, and having a similar "THEY were the ghosts" ending, though the two movies used that reveal in different ways.

Here in Boston, there are coconut water ads on the T that feature Pedroia. I giggle whenever I see them.

That forward and backward thing was the worst, because you get the sense that the dude just did it on a lark, and didn't really believe there was anything to it. But then he couldn't help but find all these "coincidences" that he pointed out, endlessly. It probably didn't help that it was towards the end of the

The Others is fantastic. I feel like I should add some snark or a Simpsons quote, but that's really all I have to say.

Yes, I would make two guesses:
1) Madison's not dead, and she'll be back soon.
2) Madison isn't the Supreme. It was all in Jessica Lange's paranoid, jealous, crazy brain. If this season's theme really is "race relations in 2013", it seems like the new Supreme would be Queenie.

A few years ago, I walked by a table of people handing out political flyers, in front of a giant picture of Obama painted like the Joker from The Dark Knight. The flyers turned out to be for Lyndon LaRouche, and all I could think was "The Simpsons were right, as always!"

I have to hand it to 'em- they're consistently crazier than I expect. It's quite a feat.

Only if you pronounce it poivoited.

**NAKED in a tube. Gotta capture the full glory of Hartman's Clinton impression.

Without knowing precisely what the danger is, do you think it's time for our viewers to crack open each others' skulls, and feast on the goo inside?